
Natural ways to fall asleep.?

by Guest44548  |  earlier

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I'm having a really bad sleeping schedule. Asleep at 3-5 Am awake at 3-5 Pm. What are some natural ways for me to fall asleep before midnight so I wake up before noon. By the way NO pills at all I don't care if there natural or not I'm not taking any pills.




  1. So I guess melatonin is out of the question. Okay how about warm milk, chamomile tea, setting an alarm so you don't sleep til noon and forcing yourself to stay awake so you want to sleep at night. I also like to do this it never fails to put me to sleep. Lay in bed and start with your feet and consciously tell yourself to relax all the muscles in your toes, then up to you middle of your foot, them your ankle. Keep going all the way up your body. Even your eye muscles and your face muscles, until you reach the top of your head. Then start at your feet again. I have never made it twice through before I was asleep. I don't think we realize how tense we are.

  2. I try to breathe calmly with one hand on my heart and one on my belly.  Sounds like your circadian rhythm is off if you are sleeping that long and late. Set an alarm and make yourself wake up one hour earlier each day.  Don't nap during the day.  Exercise upon waking.  You have to be tired both mentally and physically in order to sleep.

    Foods for sleep

  3. I’m married with a wife who has trouble falling asleep.  My fail-proof remedy?  A full body massage followed by a hot round of nookie.  She’ll be drifting to sweet dreamland afterward (and wake up in a VERY good mood).

    Other than that, all of these routines are also effective for falling into a deep sleep…

    1. Be active throughout the day.  Tire yourself out.

    2. Try not to drink any caffeinated drinks during the day, especially afternoon onwards.

    3. Don’t exercise at night.  You’ll be charged up with adrenaline and you’ll be wired for hours.

    4. Speaking of wired, try not to watch TV or do other stimulating activities around bedtime for the same reason.  You need your “downtime.”  In fact, if your TV is in your bedroom, I recommend you take it out.

    5. Listen to soft music before going to bed.  Being a Christian, I enjoy slow praise songs the most.  Instrumentals are also good.

    6. Prayer and/or count-your-blessings reflection/meditation.  Going to bed with an attitude of thankfulness can spell the difference between a sound sleep or tossing and turning.

    7. Reading a spiritual or inspirational book also helps.

    8. Stretching.  I’m serious here.  Going through a relaxing full-body stretching routine can calm you down like few things can.

    9. Drink warm milk.

    I hope this helps.  :)

  4. unlike everyone Else's answer mine is not gross you need to drink some warm milk or sleepy time tea you can get it at any convenient store

  5. do something active during the day so that way your body gets wore out or watch boring shows or drink warm milk

  6. I had the same problem.But what i did was i went to bed at 5:30 am,and i woke up at 12:00 pm.You may be tired for the remainder of the day,but at least you will be tired enough to fall asleep at 12:00 am.

    And just close your eyes and huddle up,it helps me!

  7. masterbation

    my husband has what you have

    so sometimes i notice him toss/turning

    so i grab his and quickly get it going

    he huffs n puffs n blows his...soon sleeping like a baby

  8. Drink Chamomile tea or warm milk.  Exercise by doing yoga , swimming , listening to music that calms you down . Do not nap during the day.

  9. getting drunk

  10. Listen to this and then buy the cd if it helps you. This is only the first 10 mins of the cd so you may need the whole cd:

  11. A sleep mask really worked for me. Now I know that I am really sensitive to light.

  12. smoke some green,


    or... warm milk with some sugar.

    yeah its gross.

    but it so helps and its a total seduction.

    also, masturbation.

  13. Lay down in bed, close your eyes and try to stay awake.  The harder you try to stay awake the faster you will fall asleep.

  14. Try counting sheep.  If you can't fit enough into your bedroom, or they're making too much noise, you can just count imaginary ones.

  15. this always get me to sleep... try playing your psp.. or a game in your ipod.. like the ball that goes up and down.. and you hit will get so bored and your eyes will get so tired..  trust me it works.. just focus on the light and the same thing.. dont focus on beating the levels.. or try reading a book till ypour eyes get tired... guaranteed to work!!

  16. camomile tea      belladonna     calcarea      100% natural safe enough for a child

  17. go on youtube or imeems and search for relaxing music.  Or, get a wash cloth and wet it with cold water.  Put that on your forehead while you sleep.  It helps me

  18. s*x

  19. melatonin is naturally occurring in our bodies.As we age, melatonin decreses.

    Taking melatonin is safe and effective not to mention it is a antioxidant.

    You say no pills but thats all I got.

  20. The most natural way I know is to tire yourself out during the day. If you are waking up at 3 PM tomorrow, go for a jog, a bike ride or some other activity for about 2 hours. When you get home, take a nice shower, avoid the computer or tv, or whatever it is that is keeping you awake. Try to just sit down and listen to some music, perhaps. Get into bed around 11, and if you did it correctly, you should fall asleep smoothly.

  21. Your sleep is dictated by YOUR body clock--you need months of a routine--same time each day you should get up and get ready for the day--eat 3 meals a day and 6 hours before the intended sleep time--no coffee or soda--no rigorous activity--read a book and find quiet things to do. Your body will regulate it 's internal clock. Try to avoid stress and worry, too. Don't use pills during the day--caffeine is a big part of pills and food--avoid it by reading ingredient labels.

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