
Natural ways to get rid of rats?

by  |  earlier

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My dad has a garden in the backyard, and recently, rats decided it would be a great place to eat nightly.

They have eaten leaves off the plants, along with some of the other veggies, and my dad has gotten sick of them.

He put out a special rat poison, but rats are still stripping down the garden.

He went out to a pest store, and the guy working there recommended a rat trap. I threw a fit when my dad was going to buy it because it was sick and totally inhumane.

We already have cats at our house, but they are indoor cats because it gets too hot in Florida, and it's dangerous because of cars and such. So getting an outdoor cat isn't possible. We also have a dog, but she's inside during the night because she barks a lot. So no dog to scare them away either.

Besides poisons and traps, are there any ways to get rid of rats? PLEASE don't recommend a 'humane' trap, or more poisons because I don't care how humane they are, I just hate the idea.

Thanks again.




  1. if you want it humane,then the trap is the drug of choice,why? it usually kills quick,before he knows he's hit ,he's dead.poison on the other hand kills by bleeding the rat to death ,it uses a powerful anti-coagulant to thin its blood then through normal wear and tear,the body bleeds usually internally,the gut most,till it goes into shock and dies,might take a whole week.but imagine the chills, fever,the shakes ,poor animal ,buy a trap..but if you want to kill a mess of rats all at once ,or within a day or two of each other,then poison is your best bet........tom

  2. Bobcat or coyote urine is sold in nurseries.

  3. I suggest live trapping them and relocating to another part of town.  That way you spread disease and make them someone else's problem.

    Or you could just transfer them to an aquarium and make the lovable little critters your pets.


  4. Rats carry many diseases. Prioritys need to be in order.You will be very sorry when one of your cats die from some rat carrying a disease. Sorry to be so blunt, but I feel very sorry for your father who has no say over his house.

  5. well, i know that you don't want other trap suggestions, but there are traps that are just cages, and then you go out there and the animal is still perfectly healthy, just 'trapped'...  so you can move it to a more desirable location (the other side of town)....  that is the nicest way to deal with them that i can come up with.  they carry these at home depot/lowes, etc.

    unfortunately, there is very little that you can do that will solve your problem that is also 'humane'.  rats are not easily deterred, and even if you catch a dozen, there are probably 100 more to go.

  6. they say there is a dozen rats to every human and there is always a rat at least six feet away from you, look around your garden find their holes block them up with something solid (stones, concrete) it won't get rid of them but it will put them off, they spread a nasty disease called Weals Disease, personally I'm all for animal welfare but as far as a rat is concerned i am the Terminator especially when they invade my families space, its time to grow up, one female can breed more than a hundred young in a season and the young will breed at three weeks old, if you don't cull them now your going to be overrun, as 'kind' as you are I'm sure you would object to sharing not only your garden with them but your home as well! Ugh!

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