
Natural ways to help get rid of a cold?

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I have a cough, but it's mostly my nose running that's bothering me. Is there anything I can do to help my cold not be so bad?

~Something that REALLY works~

and by the way, I don't have any of those weird herbs like Eucalyptus and stuff. =P





  1. try ginger tea

    get fresh ginger and cut 4~5 pieces  (with skin) and add 3 cups of aqua and boid it for 15 mins. drain into cup , use that steam in the face, after ginger tea little cool down( but still hot) sip it slowly.

    Hope that help you. if symptoms still there, ask your pharmacist or doctor for help.

  2. Fish oil, Echinacea, and Goldenseal

  3. you can try irrigating the nose with saline(salt water), but make sure it does not drip. You can see this at

  4. hmm....I eat a lot of Vitamin C (Oranges, Orange Juice, Etc.) and that seems to make me feel better, but I dont know if it will help the nose

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