
Natural ways to stay awake?

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I have a term paper to write...and i have a lot left plus i have class in the evening. I know i'll have to pull a all nighter. Besides, coffee is there any other remedy to stay awake. Or is there a particular type of coffee that works better?





  1. the site below is about a drink sold in many countries:

    i hope you'll be able to find in the stores but if not read carefully the ingredients listed and find similar in health food stores

    besides that fasting on a water diet for 72 hours while you keep functioning as usual ( you have to drink about 5-6 quarts of good quality water). you'll be surprised, the sleep keeps away.

    too much coffee may cause fast heart beat (palpitations) and this can hard on the heart.

  2. Its amazing how well a couple large glasses of ice cold water work. (as an alternative to caffeine etc)

    The cold keeps you awake, and the water, well, it keeps your blood flowing since you'll be running to the bathroom from time to time.

    Its a good way to pace a brief study break.

  3. Coffee gives you an immediate high then knocks you down later!! Take Guarrana tabs instead, it's got the same feeling as coffee but the effects stay with you for atleast 6-7 hours.

    Good Luck

  4. Cocaine is natural so get away from thinking natural is safe. If you are in good health you might want to ask your doctor if you can take L-Carnitine. It's an amino acid from food that transports long chain fatty acids into the mitochondria. this means that it takes stored body fat and turns it into energy. It can raise blood pressure temporarly and it's strong so be careful and start slow if you decide to take it.

    Bee pollen is used for energy too,but don't take it if you are allergic to bee products.

    Octacosanol is for keeping you more awake as it is known to keep oxygen in muscle tissues. It comes from broccoli spinach or wheat germ. It would take 10 lbs of it to make a milligram.

    Ginseng if you aren't hypoglycemic and ask your doctor first. In small amounts it raises blood pressure and lowers it in high amounts.

    Good luck.

  5. well shots of expresso can help and coffee isnt bad for you it actually has alot of antioxidence that can prevent heart problems. energy drinks, green tea thats caffinated, protein thingslike bars and meat cause protein gives you energy believe it or not.

  6. Do massage

  7. Well the studying you do under stress does not stick :o(((

    But using Cognis while you have time to review will help and you can put some drops in a water bottle and shake and sip it through the exam and it will help you recall better as well.

    It will help you write better for sure.  Just keep refilling the bottle with 7 drops of the Cognis each time you refill it and shake.

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  8. borrow some adderhal from a friend

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