
Nature Education in Europe or America?

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My question is quite simple, does anyone know a website, or have knowledge of, nature education within schools in either Europe or America? I am a Countryside Warden and I sometimes work with Keystage 1 childen doing mini beasting or pond dipping. This is part of the children's curriculum to teach them about nature, where they fit into the world and how important even the smallest creature is to the survival of our plant. I'm trying to research new, innivotive ideas - can anyone help, please?

Even if you know of a website for educating older people that would be great because as a nation we seem to have lost our connection to nature.

Many thanks




  1. In October 2007, NAAEE's environmental education standards were approved by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, which accredits more than half of the 1,200 or so colleges of teacher education in the U.S.

    Join our network of people who believe in teaching people how to think about the environment, not what to think. Learn how to use high-quality teaching methods to show people how to make a difference in the world through a positive, nonconfrontational approach.

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