
Nature vs nurture?

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Research is showing that boys are more violent that girls. Do you think it is nature (born that way) or nurture (the way they are brought up)? Give reasons




  1. testosterone.  and the age old affiliation of dominance and strength males have.  Mens bodys are built for physical action and power, while women are usually physically weaker, but stronger emotionally.  

    women are naturally nurturing and caring, hence why the nursing field is dominated by ladies.   plus i've not seen any woman in the NFL

  2. I do think it is a bit of both.  Girls are more coddled and boys are into rough housing... we grow up that way, we play that way... but it is natural... Brothers and sisters grow up similar and play with each other, and the boys still turn out more rough and the girls less violent.  So both.

  3. Well, assuming the research you refer to is accurate, there is support for dimorphic sexual differences between sexes, and those dimorphisms could, in theory, have an effect on observable behavior. For example, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (an area of the brain associated with the periphery of a loosely defined area called the lymbic system-a system that is known as the seat of human emotion) has been shown to be more densely packed with neurons in males vs. females. This appears to have behavioral consequences (or may exist as a function of behavior) as male to female transsexuals have a bed nucleus of the stria terminalis that more closely resembles that of a female thus supporting a nature influence on sexual identity. This is further supported by looking at the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in homosexual males. These subjects had a BNST similar to that of other males, thus showing that the difference is indeed based on sexual identity, and not sexual preference.

    As far as the nurture influence on behavior, I am certain there is a plethora of data out there (from the Bobo doll experiment of modeling to cross-culture longitudinal studies) that would certainly support the role of nurture in the development of gender specific roles.

  4. That is such a loaded question. I'll answer it (maybe) if you'll tell me what your fishing for. The honest answer,  is a long answer. Hey...are you writing a book?

  5. The answer this question is complicated because there are many factors that contribute to violence in boys. If boys are raised in home and environment they are more likely to be violence that also applied to girls.I would agree that violence in boys are nurture because some boys choices to react to confrontation with violence.

  6. um....

    boys are often treated different then girls

    because they are more "masculine" than females

    so maybe it's nurture

    but part of me thinks nature...

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