
Naughty kids how do we help them cont:?

by Guest44653  |  earlier

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good answers so far, I got her to escalator screaming and she trys to jump off it, at car park 3 storys she hanging on to rails etc, making me uncurl her fingers, people staring etc, she trys to jump in front of cars coming into park, get to car eventually and she won't get in, uses feet, hands, tries to get OVER wall 3 storys up, I really tried everything \\\i could. I have 4 kids and 2 grandchildren, I have fostered kids for years as well, I really don't know what to do here, I stopped the car as she trying to kick the door open, stopped outside police station as well, all to no avail. Is there a point where we allow a 7yr old to win and do as they please?if I was to try and make her take time out I would have to physically use force and we can't do stuff like that. How do I protect myself?The thing that struck me was that no one checked I wasn't kidnapping her!Back home she is shouting and crawling around on the floor.HELP!




  1. get one of those leads that are for kids that you can strap them to - it stopped me from wandering off when i was 4 lol x

    and that kid needs discipline! x

  2. I think that maybe you need to take some harsher steps with her such as show her who is boss. E.g. if she wants some sweets when she has been naughty to tell her no and to explain why.  The peobkem these days is that parents tend to say no to children or punnish them but do not explain why.  I think try this.

  3. Honestly, Lock her in a room and tell her that you will let her out

    the second that she calms down.

    Then, when she stops yelling, open the door and talk to her.

    Tell her that every time she does something wrong, that

    she will be punished.

    And actually punish her.

    I know that with some kids it even hard to punish them bc

    they wont even do that.

    But think of things that you can do.

    like un plugging the tv, (Or anything else that she likes)

    Taking away toys.

    Not letting her eat certain sweets when everyone else gets to.

    having to go to bed early.

    Stuff like that.

  4. The Law says that you are allowed to smack a child as long as you do not leave marks on the child. I think that is what you need to teach her to behave.

  5. have her checked for A.D.H.D.

  6. Maybe you need to get some support both for you and the child...speak to your doctor or the childs doctor without her being in the room. It may be that she needs to be assessed to see if there is something causing this behaviour (I am in no way accusing you here simply that it could be a medical, educational, psycological reason etc)...then an action plan can be made. It's well and good me giving you techniques but I dont know the child or yourself personally to be of any REALy help. It sounds like most conventional methods would be difficult for you as she is not a young or small child anymore so force isnt easy and in the state she gets herself into reasoning and talking doesnt work...good luck x

  7. something called semms like you have no discipline in your wonder the child runs need to discipline her when she gets dont pay her attention when she does bad things just warn her then if she doesnt listen tell her e.g  ok your not gonna get anything at the shop(thats if you goin to the shop) and ignore her when she carrys need to be in control not her ...

  8. keep a room spare, with nothing init that is fun for her, and she could have time out init. Also try making the things she doesnt like doing fun play games with it, like going to the car make it a race.

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