
Nausea, shaking, diarrhea, headache, faint?

by  |  earlier

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The past few days I have felt sick to my stomach and my hands have been shaking. on top of it all today i have had some horrible diarrhea, but i have been making sure i am drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated...before i went to work i didn't feel too bad but was still shaking. I am a bartender and when I got off work, i felt horrible, i got in my car and felt like i was going to vomit the whole way home. I got home and drank a lot of water and then almost fainted on my kitchen floor. I then went to my room to lay down and when i laid down i once again almost fainted. This is not the only day this has happened to me after work. i don't know whats wrong with my body. I have also been coming across this nausea randomly though-out my days, as well as random bad headaches. I used to have a pretty bad thyroid problem and had half of it removed...does anyone think this could have something to do with my thyroid being out of wack again? or possibly just a mix of exhaustion and maybe dehydration?




  1. Sounds serious enough to me!

    Working in a restaurant or bar is h**l.  Is this happening only after work?  Mostly after work?  Or does it happen just as often on days off?

    There are plenty of things this could be.  It could be the thyroid (I'm no expert there!), exhaustion, or a nasty virus.  It could even be a combination of things.

    You're going to have to see a doc.  You already know you can't go on this way, but there's no quick fix.  You can address some of the symptoms:  get plenty of rest, drink gatorade or pedialyte to restore lost fluids and electrolytes, and even take something for the diarrhea.  That will only get you so far, though, and your symptoms sound serious enough that you need to take action now.  Fainting can get you killed!  A blow to the head as you fall, or fainting behind the wheel, can endanger you and others.

  2. I would really do see a doctor because if there is a serious problem you need it taken care of and if your dehydrated they can re hydrate you easily, I was in the hospital 3 days last week for dehydration. But i would see a doctor because that doens't sound too healthy or safe

  3. you really need to see a doctor or go to the emergancy room

  4. You are badly dehydrated and water is not going to do the trick.

    You honestly need to go to an Urgent Care or ER for an IV.

    Fainting is really not ok... nor tied with vomiting and diarrhea. Please do go and have someone else drive you.

  5. It sounds like right now you have a stomach virus.  If you can handle any food at all, try eating applesauce, yogurt and plain white rice (not all at the same time).   The applesauce and rice move slowly through the intestines, so they'll kind of act like glue to stop the diarrhea.  Yogurt will help replace the good bacteria that live in the intestines, that sometimes get killed off by a stomach virus.  Drinking gatorade might help too, because of the little bit of salt it has.

    Your random nausea may be related to the headaches.  I get migraines and nausea is a symptom...sometimes I will get the nausea without the migraine, or before it..  

  6. It could be related to your thyroid but the only way to be sure is to see a doctor.

    i would recommend resting and taking off work for a few days.


    Like, right away!!

    You could just have flu but that normally lasts 3 days. Better safe then sorry, head to an emergency hospital.

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