
Nausea on and off through the day?

by  |  earlier

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For a little over a week now i have had Nausea for most of the day. it all started when i ate some frozen yogurt about 10 min later i vommited it up. now sometimes when i eat i get nausea but other times i dont. it does seem like if i think about the nausea it gets worse.

other times i dont have to eat anything and yet the nausea comes out of now where. i drink plenty of water. at first i thought it was food poisoning but its been going on far to long. accompnaing the nausea is extreme gas i just keep burping and i have the feeling that im gong to have diarrea.

Other symptoms:

-sour stomach

-gurgling stomach





  1. Tapeworms, roundworms, bad sushi, bad milk, bad cheese, good cheese, bad meat...i could go on.

  2. YOU NEED TO SEE A DR RIGHT AWAY .. but if you cant might i suggest ginger ale ginger tea , dramamine  and saltine crackers  

  3. Maybe Acid Reflux. I probably have it (seeing a doctor soon). Just go to your doctor and ask about Acid Reflux. If they say no, just ask what tests they could do to find out.

    In the mean time, take Tums or Rolaids to help your symptoms.

    I hope you start feeling better very soon!

    P.S. If you and I have Acid Reflux, just for the record, I've had this for almost 2 and a half months. So just go through it and don't try to worry about it. It's not really that bad. Don't travel or do extra activity. Trust me, don't.

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