
Nausea relief from pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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I recently found out i was prego, and have to wait to get to the midwife but the nausea is really in full force. What are some good remidies? I suck on a lemon, and that helps some, but pepermints are only temporary! lol.




  1. You can buy Mommy's Bliss from Babies r us.  It's an herbal pill that helps a lot.  Also, crackers really do help. Try to eat every few hours.  Try chewing gum, that helped for me too.

  2. i liked the dumdum suckers.i always kept them in my purse

  3. Prevention: Eat several (6 or 7) small meals a day. Ever 2 hours or more if you have to. Don't over eat or eat too heavy of foods- only what you can handle. Drink TONS of water! Tons and tons! Get out of bed slowly in the morning, keep crackers and water on your night stand, or maybe dry cereal or hard candies. That way you can ease your tummy before getting up.

    Good remedies: Hard candies, GINGER (fresh, candied, ginger tea, etc), lemon as you said, mint (could try putting meant leaves in ice water- maybe even lemon too). And for me the only thing I could handle for a little while was fresh fruit (like plums and strawberries- whatever you like) and ice water. Maybe try making a cold and yummy smoothie.

    Ginger tea really helped me, but everyone is different. I'm sure I left out some good ones- try googling it! And remember to stay hydrated and eat small meals frequently, it helps a ton! Try not to be in the heat very long, it'll definitely make you sick to your stomach.

  4. I always ate oranges all day and never have thrown up yet.. Only 4 more weeks to go lol. But lemons should help, its the citrus that makes it easier to deal with. And you're right about peppermints too. Other than that try eating some crackers in the morning before you get out of bed and don't go to bed on a full stomach. Eat small meals and stay away from spicy food. Ginger ale does wonders too. Good luck and congratulations!!!

  5. They say that lemons work but it didn't work very long for me because somehow my body began to "ignore" the lemon and my nausea just got worse. Crackers are ok but honestly what helped me the most and almost completely took away my nausea THROUGHOUT the day was chewing on Bubbalicious bubblegum. I think it is because it cheats your body into thinking you are eating. Just a guess but try it and see how it works. I always make sure I am eating something every three hours also because nausea is a sign that your baby is hungry because when I eat the nausea usually subsides. Try it out and see how it does though. I wish you luck because I know nausea sucks! lol =P

  6. I never really found the magic food that would consistently keep me from tossing my cookies throughout the day. I could keep certain things down one day and then have big problems with the same food the next. Crackers sometimes helped in the morning, but just the act of brushing my teeth would often get me running for the toilet. I was sick nearly the whole day for around 18 weeks straight. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy! So, sadly, my best advice is make sure to only eat the things that are the least offensive as they are coming back up... just in case they do. The good news is that there is hope! I actually feel pretty great now (at 35 weeks) and the nausea seems to have become a thing of the past.

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