
Nauseous day after drinking alcohol?

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So I drank for the first time last night, I'm a 6 foot tall male. I had 6 shots and 2 beers. I got pretty drunk, but kept drinking water often, more often than alcohol (a lot more often).

I didn't feel sick at all while drinking, i was sure to pace myself and go slowly (30 minutes between shots).

Today though, I felt fine for the first bit of the morning, drove myself 30 miles to work no problem, but sitting at my desk I started to get nauseous. I have no headache, which is nice, but the nausea is a bit overpowering. I started shivering too. I drove to a friends house for lunch and almost threw up walking to the front door, and I then took a hour and a half nap before coming back to work.

Will I be okay? I'm just a little worried, but I think I'll be fine.




  1. You could just have had a case of the DTs ( which is just withdrawls from all the stuff you drank.  

    Next time you drink, make sure you eat first.  Water alone will help, but food and sleep are also determining factors.  

    Now, drinking shots every half hour is not the smartest thing to do even if you're of decent weight because those shots will creep up on you faster.  You might want to extend your pace to one every hour and just sip on either beer or water.  

  2. your just hungover ...drink alot of water rest and you will be fine sweets!!! : ) you can try to drink some coffee I usually do the morning after heavy drinking but i dont think it'll make you feel less nauseous..see if you have crackers at work  to hold you off  

  3. your electrolytes are probably low. Try drinking gatorade and eating bananas. You are probably also dehydrated. You now know what a hangover feels like!!

  4. Yeah you have a mild hangover... you'll be fine.  I generally take a multi-vitamin before I go to bed when I'm drinking.  It may be psychosomatic but it does work on me... Good work.

  5. its called a hangover!

  6. haha its  called a hangover!!!! im the same im fine til about three then feel sick and shakey then iv to sleep for the rest of the day lol x*x ur fine!xx

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