I’m not sure how to start. I don’t want to come off sounding like a complete bumbling ignorant fool but I’m not sure if I can spare myself that luxury. The thing is I’ve married a Native American and his whole family is fullblood Dine. I’ve only met his mother and his brother and both of them seem excepting of me. The thing is I’m Irish, pale as can be, covered in freckles and bright red hair. I’m not sure how the rest of his family living on the reservation are going to take to me. He himself was taken off the reservation at a younger age so he didn’t grow up there. Which means he doesn’t know how things function there. I’ve done some reading and found that there are still a large number of Native Americans that dislike “whites†(or is it just that they are the only ones getting their words published?) but since I am so very obviously different, I am a little worried. All I want to do is soak up as much information about his culture and his family as I can. So can anyone give me any insider information or a point of view of what it would be like for me to visit the Navajo Nation. Is it not as bad as what I’ve been reading or is it worse? I apologize, I am so frightfully ashamed at how ignorant I am about this.
I do have one more question though. I am wanting to learn some Navajo to keep the language alive in my family to come. I want my husband to have someone to talk to so he doesn’t lose it. When we have our children I want them to know the language of their culture and I want to be a part of that. Does anyone know any halfway decent audio tapes to learn from?