
Navel piercing PLEASE HELP!?

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hi i pierced my navel about 2-4 weeks ago and the ring was in for about 5 days until it got infected and i took it out. I really regret doing the piercing & the infection is almost cleared up. but where the ring was (from the top hole to the bottom hole) there is like a bump .. and i was wondering is the infection trapped inside ? I really wanna get it redone by a professional but how do i get rid of the bump first ? PLEASE help =] ALL answers are greatly appreciated.




  1. It really depends on what type of bump it is.

    If it's pussing it could be an infection or an abscess. If it's hard and lumpy it could by hypertrophic scarring. If it's inflamed and rising up like a volcano around the holes of the piercing it could be a keloid. There's not absolutely certain way to tell, but I'd suggest you go back to your piercer and get them to have a look at it. Or else, if you don't trust your piercer go to another professional piercing studio and they should be more than happy to look at it for you.

    Depending on what it is, there are a variety of remedies, especially if it catch it early. Most are as simple as applying Vitamin E or tea tree oil. If it was actually infected, you probably should have left the jewellery in so that it had a hole to drain out of. Taking it out might have worsened it by trapping the infection inside.

    Even if you have scarring, a good piercer should be able to repierce behind that, and that lessens the chance of rejection. Hope this helps and good luck with it!

  2. i think the bump will go away after some time. the same thing happened to my friend. she got it re-pierced. the bump could just be scar tissue. make sure you clean it with salt and water every night. my sister said it took a full year for hers to fully heal. and make sure the bar is stainless/ surgica steel or real gold/silver.

    good luck

  3. The bump is scar tissue.  As you can't recall if the piercing was removed one week ago or 3 weeks ago, I would imagine the bump is going to increase in size as it completely heals.  There is no means of getting rid of the bump without surgery.

    Navel piercings are one of the most dangerous piercings you can have done.  They are extremely prone to infections, even when they are done by a professional.  Your navel is the center of your body and a creavasse that harbours much dirt and germs.  It is also extremely prone to rubbing from clothing and can be easily ripped out by a pair of jeans.  Honestly, vaginal piercings are less likely to become infected than a navel.

    If you must have something pierced consider your tongue or your lip or even your privates.  It is much more sanitary.

  4. i got the same thing after i pierced my ear. I took out my earring and it healed but there is a bump. Nothing happened so i don't think yours is an infection. But if you're not sure, its best if you get it checked out before you pierce it again. Otherwise, just pierce the new one to the side a little and it shud be fine.

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