
Navel piercing at 17?

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im turning 17 in february and i really really REALLY want a navel piercing <3 ... I did so much research about it and i know all the risks and i know everything about the aftercare. Practically i know all there is to know.. I've been wanting it for ages and i already told my mum about it. Obviously she said NO because she thinks its dangerous and that it looks quite S****y. How can i convince her (and my dad) to let me get it done for my birthday or christmas or something?

Please dont tell me to wait until im 18 because i don't want to wait any longer... also i don't want to get it dne behind their backs...

How can i make them understand?




  1. Honestly if you have made a valid argument and they still will not agree to it there is not much more you can do.. You just have to show you are mature by accepting their decision and maybe by that they will change their minds and maybe they wont.

  2. While i wouldnt recommend going behind their backs they may be dead set against it. To prove that you are responsible enough to have EARNED it, remember to use the word EARN you need to show them some things.

    - first do research on the history/methods/what to look for in a shop (what certification)

    - then do research online on belly piercing aftercare

    -make sure you have the cost covered by yourself

    - make sure you are showing them positive behavior around the house doing chores/not fighting with siblings/being extra helpful but not a kiss up.

    - do not beg make your case like a presentation and when you are done say &quot;i&#039;m not asking you to make the decision now, i will give you a few days but i feel i&#039;m ready and mature enough to handle this big responsibility (a piercing is believe me bellies take some healing and reopen and heal again for about a year!)

    good luck chica~let me know if you need more advice id be happy to help

  3. Do the whole &quot;I&#039;m tryong to be an individual&quot; speech.


    i did that to get my septum.

    it worked pretty well, as long as i hid it when i was home.

    It was as if i didn&#039;t even have it.

    but yeah.

    Just try to make them get it by saying stuff like &quot;didn&#039;t you ever want to be different&quot;

    and go on about how its just a piercing, and it can be easily taken out.

    Good luck!


  4. try something simple at first like nose or eyebrow or ear piercing! then when you r mature enough ask ur parents if you can get your naval pierced!

  5. if they are really sure that they don&#039;t want you to get it done then it isn&#039;t likely you will convince them.

    at 17 you can get it done in a piercing shop your self, some may say 18 but you could just say you are 18.

    i would just go get it, i know you said you didn&#039;t want to but you&#039;re old enough and it is easily hidden.

    you could just threaten them with &quot;i will do it my self then&quot;

    but i aint sure that will work,

    good luck

  6. You cant convince them, if i was your dad i&#039;ll have no problem but you have to be older than 16 which you are :)...but if you really want it so much and i assume that your parents are like mine (tell me what do you benefit from that and how it will help you and all) try to tell them that you&#039;ve been waiting so long to do it and you&#039;ll cover it up until you go to the pool or at least until you do it...dont ever ever tell them i&#039;ll be cool by doing that then they will never let you yeah and also tell them that i dont want to do it behind your back and i respect your decision and stuff like that

    &quot;also i don&#039;t want to get it dne behind their backs... &quot; i hope that when i have a daughter she&#039;ll be like you....

  7. dude... what most parents dont understand is that its your body NOT theirs...

    my parents didnt let me have anything done.. but i told them i knew what i was doing and i went ahead and did it... i knew that they wouldnt approve... but after you get it done thats when they realize that they are not truly affected by it... its your piercing, your tattoo, your pink hair.. not theirs...

    parents have to realize that we have one life to live... and if you want something now... you should get it now... if you wait till you are 18 you may not want it anymore...

    i reckon that you simply tell them that you are going to do it but dont tell them when... if they noticed you may be into some pretty deep ****... but if they dont... everyone is happy... and you didnt do it behind their backs...

    go for it!!!

    good luck!

  8. Point out to them that this is something you really want, and your body is your way of expressing yourself.

    Tell them your means of getting the piercing, and that it&#039;s not for trashy reasons. It is not all that dangerous. An eyebrow ring would be much more dangerous as a matter of fact, a long with many other body piercings.

      Explain to them the procedure, and how piercing parlors use sterile needles, and have to have clean equipment by law.

      Take them to a peiercing parlor - just to look around. Have the piercer explain to them how it would work, the possible issues that could happen, etc. If the piercer is educated they will know all of this.

      If your parents don&#039;t cave right away at this time - don&#039;t beg. That will just make you seem immature to them. Act mature about their decision.. and ask again later. Not later that day.. but later on.

      You&#039;re 17, you&#039;re practically an adult by law, only one year away.

    I&#039;m in 8th grade, I&#039;ll be 13 in 25 days, and I have 3 piercings - snakebites &amp;&amp; a tongue ring. I proved I was mature, and did most of the above, and it worked =]

      I had a similar issue with the tongue ring, it was &#039;whorey&#039; but I explained that I did NOT want it for sexual reasons and they eventually understood.... well.. my mom doesnt.. but.. haha.

    Hope I helped =]
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