
Navy Electronics Technician A-school ranking?

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I was told that Navy Electronics Technician A-school was the third hardest college-level school in the world. That first was Harvard, second is Nuke school. And also that it was the second hardest rate in the Navy while Nuke is first. Is any of this true? Where can I find this kind of info?




  1. People are giving you what they think of these schools. Want real answers go to! There are AECF ETs there are NUKE ETs, etc. Go to the site.

  2. I would put SEALs as the toughest rate, Nuke second, etc... If you want answers to that question contact your local recruiter and have him patch you through to someone in that field.

  3. It all depends on your aptitude and fortitude. Math is a no brainer for some and the hardest thing in the world for others. One plus is that when you get out, it will almost all count towards college credits. I was a Submarine Sonar Technician with 3 "C" schools on different systems and was awarded 78 hours credit for the unclassified electronics schools I took. To get an Associates I only needed a Customer Service class. Step up to the plate, it's not that hard! Good Luck.

  4. That does not make sense.

    Nuke school includes ET  A and C schools.

    ET A and C are both very hard.

    Keep in mind that there are nuc ETs and seals that are ETs as well

    good luck

  5. I'd say it's an exaggeration.  It's not even college level.  Most "C" schools are "7" level but I never heard of an "A" school that was.... perhaps CTI is.

  6. The info sounds made up, so I doubt you are going to find it.

    Third hardest in the world? Not  chance. I would not even say third hardest in the Navy. Of course, the definition of 'hard' would be the key.

    There's a lot of opinion as to what is hard.

    This info sounds like an exaggeration from a recruiter of an over zealous ET.

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