
Navy relationship question?

by Guest63679  |  earlier

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Ok I will try to keep this as brief as possible. I just got broken up with my boyfriend who is in the Navy. We have known eachother for 2 years and recently reconnected when he wrote me a message on facebook and I was suprised to have heard from him and that he joined the navy. We began to text and talk daily for about 2 months. We didnt go a night without talking and we seemed to get close pretty fast and I couldnt wait to see him again. He later told me he would be home in a few weeks and wanted to see me. When he came home we spent about an hour together because we were both pressed for time and we seemed to immediately click. I didnt realize how hard the distance would be because I was not totally sure of my feelings for him at that point. I knew he seemed like one of the best guys I had met in awhile and I felt totally comfortable with him. The next day he left and went back to where he was stationed in CA, we still talked or texted everyday and he would tell me how much he missed me and couldnt wait to see me. Things were off to a great start and communication was great in spite of the fact that we were miles away. We eventually decided to be together because it was like we were together anyway without the title. After about a month I was able to visit him in Mississippi where his ship would be docked until he moved aboard. We had an amazing time and really embraced eachother and enjoyed eachothers precense. We had a very emotional good bye that left me completely miserable when I returned home. I expressed to him it would be much easier if I would have never come to visit him because the pain of visiting and leaving is much greater than me coming in the first time though I did appreciate the visit. I also expressed to him I didnt think I could wait much longer to see him again and he told me I needed to be tougher because things would only get harder once he is on the ship for good. I was getting to the point where it felt like being away from him was unbearable and the less I talked to him was just too difficult. At this point I began to notice a slight change in the relationship, he seemed to become distant. We had already started saying we loved eachother but when I went to visit him I felt much stronger and I knew I was in love with him and I expressed it the moment I returned. Everything seemed to be going just fine until he stopped contacting me as much and never returned my call which was unusual for him. I was totally lost to what was going on because we had just spend an amazing three days with eachother and were both very sad when we had to part. After being distant for about 2 days strait I figured something was wrong, I tried to contact him once more because I was so worried about him and he said " I just need some space". I didnt want to leave it at that because I would then be confused about where the relationship stood, He then told me that He wasnt feeling the situation anymore and he wanted to see if he missed me and he didnt and he was sorry but he just cant do this. This seemed to be coming from a totally differant person, it just didnt sound like him nor make sense. It seemed like something more than he could explain because things took a drastic turn in about 5 days. It was so unexpected because I thought things were going great. I am really hurt because he is the first person I have ever loved and I do feel the feelings were mutual and we had something special but this whole thing just isnt making sense to me and I just stopped texting and calling him because I dont want to push him further away. Any Ideas?




  1. did you tell him how you feel about everything?

    my hubby is in the navy. maybe, he felt like he

    was hurting you because he couldn't be around

    as much. just give him some time to think things

    threw and if he really cared for you & misses you

    he'll come back or give it a week then call him back

    best of luck

  2. he may have someone else or sorry hes just not that in to you  

  3. have you thought that maybe he is now married?  navy boys are huge players.  i know... ive been over seas with them.  im guessing you slept with him a few times before he lost interest?

  4. It is possible that after hearing you talk about how hard it is to be away from him that he decided to put some distance.  He is getting ready to deploy and that is a big thing.  He doesn't want to worry about you worrying and missing him, he will have problems of his own.  Just leave it alone, let him know you support him.  You unintentionally put your burden of feelings on his back and he can't handle that at this time.  

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