
Navy vs air force for military police?

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I am considering going into the military for MP. I don't know which is better. I am leaning more towards air force but they have taken 3 almost 4 months to get me sent off for my asvab and still haven't given me a date. The navy says i could get sent off in one or two days for the asvab. I am wanting to start asap and I was wondering if i should go ahead and go to navy or keep waiting on the air force is there anything i can do to speed up the process I have gone through 2 recruiters and it is taking too long. I have been approved to go take it and i am ONLY waiting a day to go take it.




  1. Lot of mis-information here... first you don't have to be an E-5 to be a Master at Arms (MA) second they do have formal police training. MA's are the police force on large ships.  My last command was CVN75, which was the first carrier not to have a MARDET (Marines for security) they had rated MA's along with people that were TDY for six months to the ships police force or security department. (I went myself for six months - three while we were in the yards)

    Additionally, on shore stations MA's are starting to run the show for Base Security, many MA's are trained investigators - yes they do attend Army and AF schools for that training.

    For current up to date information (others gave you old information) talk to your Navy Recruiter.

    I have many friends who are rated MA's who are trained professionals, as for AF security - I have two friends I know who were MP's walking around hangars guarding planes....many of the AF MP's are in the green zone too.

    If the AF is saying it will be a while - that means they have lots of MP's which will mean that your chances of promotion a pretty small!!

  2. If you want to do real Law Enforcement look at the US Coast Guard.  We are the only of the 5 military branches with an actual Law Enforcement mission.

    We have a qualification called a Boarding Officer. This person boards other boats. Even Navy uses US Coast Guard LEDET(Law Enforcement Detachments) so they can have the authority to board civilian craft.

    The few and the proud is not the USMC its the US Coast Guard

  3. The Navy does not really have a standing MP force.  People are assigned to shore patrol on a temporary basis.  Brig guards are marines.  The rate Master at Arms is quite small, and they generally act more like security guards on ships.  If you want some training and experience akin to a civil police officer, cross Navy off the list.

  4. I was a Recruiter for the Army and for us MP slot would closeup quick for us, if there was a slot you would have to wait for it.    Air Force is much smaller than the Army but when I was recruiting the Air Force was up sizing their MP/SP Field even though they were down sizing their size overall.  At that point getting a  MP slot for Air Force was easier.  They may have caught up with their needs and not have any slots for a while.  

    The Air Force MP/SP training I would assume would be more intense than the Navy  The Air Force MP is taking on more of a combat role at this time.  

    If being an MP is your goal check out the Marines and Army.  My brother was a boarding officer in the Coast Guard and they also did allot of law enforcement.  When he left the Coast Guard many police departments tried to recruit him, he ended up going into teaching.


  6. Laughter said it best. In order to be an MP in the Navy one must be at least a E5 rank. They are Security Guards on ships. (Let me see your I.D. "OR" Let me see your I.D. and Hey sailor you need a hair cut")This  is what you will be doing. Best to go in the Air Force because they have real schools for Police.  

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