
Nba All star 2009. Phoenix. best hotels??

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OK I want to be in the center of it all! All the clubs, events etc... any suggestions on good hotels that will put me dead smack in the middle of all the festivities? I want to book my hotel by the end of this week!




  1. Isn't Phoenix a desert. Why would you go there to dry up and die. Come to Houston. Ranked #1 in "Best places to live,work, and play"

  2. Look out in Chandler Az.nice hotels ,Just outside of Phx  

  3. I live in Phoenix but honestly I don't know any hotels really (I don't really pay attention to them ya know). Next time I go out I'll see which ones are by the clubs and arena though!! Its should be awesome, Phoenix it cool and has some pretty Clubs I think you'll like it!!!

  4. I am sure a local Marrriot

  5. Downtown Phonex is your best bet. The Hilton is great but it is probably already booked for the games!  

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