
Ndakgent profile? 55 years old and divorce heavy equipment driver?

by  |  earlier

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from North Dakota,




  1. Don't know him.  What's the question?

  2. Dear NDakgent,

    You are not being clear in your questioning, but let me make a leap here and tell you that divorce, at any age, is hard to deal with.

    The only good thing about being single again right now is that you have a wonderful opportunity to find out all about yourself from the inside out. Don't squander this time because as soon as you're in peace with yourself, who you are and what your own limits are, you'll be just about ready for a new and healthy relationship with some other ready partner.

    Good luck in your quest.  He who looks, finds!

  3. your question is not clear

  4. Strange you haven't ANSWERED any questions. And you have only asked 1 question. BUT you have 95 points. How did you do that? And this isn't even a question.

  5. Do you have a question?

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