
Neanderthal man lasted 500,000 yrs, do you think Homo Sapiens will last that long?

by Guest58871  |  earlier

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Homo Sapiens have been around for about 100,000, if we can last for another 400,000 - we should be pretty advanced by then, don't you think?




  1. I think with so many people being part of subcultures like emos and wanting to swap genders and being homosexual or starving themselves to be thin,  or overeating on junk food they might trigger a genetic spin off.

    Or maybe like doodad thinks Neanderthal man isn't actually extinct.

  2. Its only a matter of time...

  3. I doubt it.

    “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” - Albert Einstein

  4. we can

  5. Mother Nature has a way of dealing with animals when they have problems.  When they overpopulate, she kills them off.  I don't think we have to worry about overpopulation because Mom is pretty p*ssed with what we're doing to the earth and I think she will take care of us very soon.

    And to the guy with the 2012, the asteroid will clearly miss us but scare us and hopefully enough so that we clean our act up.

  6. well remember Nostradamus said 3792!

  7. Nah, with all the problems that we are creating for our planet, we might not last that long. Homo Sapiens might be the smartest animal to walk the planet but we definitely do not show it. Think of overpopulation, pollution, human conflicts, depleting resources, and the over reliance of technology. We are not doing anything to prevent or resolve these issues. We are actually not evolving further that any previous hominid, our technology is, but not us.  

  8. I doubt it,  neanderthal man didn't have to fight city traffic.

  9. Judging from the typical Yahoo Answer...not very long.

  10. Yeah, if we can manage to not to degrade our planet until the point where it becomes unlivable. History has a way of repeating itself, but our times are much faster now.

  11. What is your scientific theory fior how long Neanderthal man lasted?

  12. we should be advanced...but the real question is will earth last  close to 400,000 more years...

  13. Lol you are actually referring to the lesser advanced form of us. We are Homo Sapiens Sapiens but yes I do think we will last.

  14. only if jesus wnat s us 2 loL!

  15. No, Homo Sapiens will not last that long, obviously. For one thing we are on a fast track in which we will either perish or evolve. In either case our future is uncertain as we will most certainly become something else or a smudge in the fossil layers of tomorrow. With genetic engineering in place it is all but inevitable that we will genetically enhance ourselves and our children for all time remaining. Our recent generations are the breakthrough species for this accelerated growth potential. Its' a brave, new world. Wrong forum, like asking for filet Mignon at McDonalds.

  16. Scary how far Nean must have come to get to the level at extinction.

    I see no reason for us not to last that long.  We have Stars Wars as a mass future dream.

  17. No. I feel that over population of the planet will out weigh food source.

  18. ask yourself this question again (if you remember to) on the night of October 12th, 2012

  19. PADS don't get me started on my theories of Pleistocene development into Neolithic man. Homo Sapiens have been around for 240,000 years(in my opinion) and have possibly integrated with the Neanderthals. Needless to say humans will be very different 400,000 years down the line, if we make it that far!

  20. I doubt humans will last more than a couple hundred more years, the way natural resources are being used up and war weapons are being built to the max, with everyone ready to shoot at each other. Now that the ozone layer is almost completely depleted and the ice caps melting, no more animals left in the wild almost, there will be a time when the carbon layer will insulate like the greenhouse effect today only worse, with oxygen scarce and temperatures way up and like I said, nuclear explosions going off left and right until a mass suicide like event happens. That's not going to take 40,000 years to happen. More animals have become extinct in the last 20 years than in the millions of years of earth's existence, and humans are obviously not that bright to have allowed and continue to allow that to happen, and their fate doesn't look too good either. The Amazon Rainforest which you no longer hear about and which the CIA has banned google earth from broadcasting, is the lung of the earth and provider of the majority of its oxygen yet it is being destroyed faster and faster with a tiny part of it still left. If you take a body and remove its vital organs, how long will it last until it dies? It can only stay on life suppport for so long. I don't know if there is a single river or lake in the United States that's not contaminated with chemicals that take millions of years to break down.

  21. To be honest, with the way things are today, we will be lucky to make it another 4, nevermind 400,000 years.

  22. From what I have read Homo Sapiens have been around about twice as long as you say but I realize that there is conflicting opinions about this.  

    There are problems and conditions which are out of our hands which will determine how long humankind as we know it will exist.

    When global warming is a natural occurrence. Maybe not helped by humankind but it has happened in the past and according to history we are right on schedule. We would probably be even closer to tipping over into an ice age than we are now if not for global dimming.....look it up.  So whoever does not die from various obvious reasons as a result of future global warming will certainly die as the ice age approaches.  Some could survive and for all we know some very smart and very rich could already have a plan. But civilization would almost have to start from scratch.

    Of course an asteroid could hit us and end it all.

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