
Neanderthal man lived millions of years ago do u think the human apearence will change much in next 10,000yrs?

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or will it take another million or so yrs just a thought lol




  1. first of all neanderthals lived only a few thousand years ago.  there were no homonids one million years ago, probably very few apes besides.  and yes, human appearance will change.  the average height is still growing.

  2. 'Human Appearance' changes all the time.

    Think about all of the strange looking people you have seen .

    Our changing societies and cultures can affect human appearance as well - with the advent of fast food and cable television, a lot of people are obese.  Staying inside working on a computer vs. working outside also makes people paler, and less physically fit as well.

  3. Neanderthal lived thousands of years ago, not millions. He wasn't part of our line of descent.

    It has been noted that evolution in humans may have increased. The gene therapy hold great promise for the elimination of certain inherited problems. It's not a great step to see it used to "fine tune" the human body.

    The rise in the number of C-Sections raises the possibility that the human brain will grow larger. Currently it's a compromise between women being able to walk and how large a head can be delivered naturally.If C-sections became standard for everyone then an increase in brain size may be seen.

    It's provable that evolution in humans will become human directed rather then natural.

    As for Neanderthal:

    Neandertal Man, Homo sapiens neanderthalenis was first discovered in Germany's Neander Valley. The find was made in 1859. The bones were at various times claimed to be that of a caveman, an ape, a deformed human, and even a Russian Cossack from Napoleon's Army! (The bowed legs were from a lifetime spent on a horse. He was wounded and crawled into the cave to die as Napoleon retreated.)

    With a short, stocky body, bowed legs and a large jutting ridge over his eyes, Neandertal quickly be came portrayed as a brutish, dimwitted, and not acceptable in polite Company. In short the stereotypical caveman of bad movies.

    Much of the problem that when the remains were fitted together, the scientist got it wrong. Moreover, the body was deformed due to arthritis. Modern reconstruction's, while keeping the stocky build have changed the image. One display even has a Neandertal in evening clothes.

    The Neandertals existed between 30,000 and 200,000 years ago. Their physical stature is similar to the Inuit of the far north (Eskimos) The body form conserves heat in a cold environment. Their bones were thicker, nasal passages larger, and their brains were of greater size then those of present-day humans. The Neandertals have huge noses, perhaps to pre-warm air before it enters the body.

    The Neandertals used a limited tool kit to survive. The developed the Mousterian system to chip stone and make their axes, scrapers, and points. Throughout their known existence, they did not change their tool styles. Almost 3/4 of the game remains found at Neandertal sites is that if reindeer. Most Neandertal remains show injuries such as broken bones and dislocations. It has been suggested that their hunting methods exposed them to great danger and involved close contact with their prey. It has been suggested that Neandertals hunted only specific animals rather then a broad range as did Cro-Magnon.

    The Neandertals were the first to express a religion. They buried their dead. Graves goods, food, tools and even flowers were interred with the body. One body found in Iraq was that of an old man that could only have lived based on the care of others. He had arthritis, a head injury that left him blind in one eye, and an amputed arm.

    Recent testing of Neandertal DNA show that present day humans are not descended from the Neandertals. This has placed them outside the human line of descent. However, it should be remembered that this has happened before, Neandertals were out, only to be put back in.

    Neandertals lived during the height of the last ice age. They were well adapted to the climate and were well able to survive. When the climate changed it appears that they were incapable of changing with it.

  4. We are twice the size we were 150 years ago!

  5. The last neandertals died ~25,000 to 30,000 years ago. However, very large populations seldom experience what is known as "positive selection."  This means that a small or isolated population (gene pool) is more likely to "fix" a mutation within the population than a large & growing population. Even a large population can have positive gene selection if a gene allows a very large reproductive advantage, but the "bottle neck" theory of population evolution indicates it is far more likely with small isolated groups.

    Unless one very superior male offering some reproductive advantage can breed with a large number of the female population, a large growing population is unlikely to "fix" a gene within that population. As our population increases, humans will simply become more diverse, until some happening occurs to offer a large genetic reproductive advantage to some group containing some specific advantage.

  6. Very little.

  7. Neanderthal did not live million of years ago.  Try 200,000 years ago to about 35,000-40,000 years ago.

  8. Because of cell phones, humans will, in a few thousand years, have heads that tilt to one side.

  9. The answer to your question may be here:

    “Human races are evolving away from each other,” said Henry Harpending, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Utah, who led the study.

    “Genes are evolving fast in Europe, Asia and Africa, but almost all of these are unique to their continent of origin. We are getting less alike, not merging into a single, mixed humanity.

  10. I'd be more concerned with whether humanity survives for another 10,000 yrs or not...

  11. We will evolve to look like the aliens in the movie"Close encounters of the third kind",they are actually us from the distant future.

  12. we'll lose our hair and small toes (toes may take longer)

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