
Neanderthals, Real? Ice Age? Age of the World?

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How can one justify the theory of Neaderthals?

Evolution is 'suggesting' that Neanderthals went extinct do to harsh weather but they have no proof that there even WERE neanderthals do they?

Ice Age:

How can one justify that there were more then one ice age?

There is scientific facts to back ONE ice age that lasted about 500 years from freezing time to melting time but that is all there is proof of, no?

Age of the World:

Science now is pushing that the world is a million or billion years old when-in fact-they have no proof that the world is more then app. 6000 years old, correct?




  1. Your confusing religious beliefs with scientific facts. It's hard for people who are very religious to understand modern scientific facts because it just doesn't mesh with their core beliefs.

    You will have to come to terms that balance your personal beliefs with real time lines and proven facts.

  2. Sarah,

    Unlike my collegue Rosie above, I tend to agree with you.  Especially because my vocation happens to be as an environmental geologist and engineer, but my profession is Jesus Christ...and I believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.

    That being said, I can point to a library full of books, papers, research, films, audio recordings, film strips, and lots more that point to a so-called geologic time line.  I have been trying to reconcile the biblical view with what I see in the environment and with the generally accepted geologic time theories.  It has been very difficult for me to actually reconcile it...

    I have viewed numerous papers on the various forms of dating techniques and the inherent errors built into each one.  The dating techniques can be off, in some cases, millions of years.  Add this to the propensity of scientists from different disciplines to try to "tie-in" THEORIES from various other disciplines, and you wind up with a web ot theories based on faulty science...and it is eventually taken as fact by laypersons who want so desparately to find something man made to believe in.  I find it best said by of all people, Kermit the Frog in his song, Rainbow Connection....

    "Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered

    When wished on the morning star?

    Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it --

    Look what it's done so far."

    That pretty much sums up about 85% of the geologic research done so far...somebody thinks of it, takes various factoids and theories from many other sciences to support their own suppositions and theories, throw in a minescule bit of research that is usually refutable, and then they circulate it around to other scientists to review it for correct scientific method, soundness of numeric computations, format and grammar, and as long as the author puts in the abstract or title, the word Theory, it gets published.  

    Now that its published, it gains some sort of respectability; some other scientist wanting to gain a name for themself picks up on this THEORY and expands his own THEORY on its suppositions and bibliography, adding his own bibliography to it all, and here is the beginning of Kermits web of belief structures.  

    Its all a house of cards.  I even engaged in this cockamaimie ponzi scheme of theoretical lies, publishing my own papers and such and gaining a name for myself in my science, until one day I saw the truth in the middle of it all.  

    My little awakening came in the environmental restoration industry when I realized that environmental contamination doesn't occur from stuff from the moon, or mars, or alpha centuri, all this stuff comes from the earth!!!!!  So why is it considered contamination???  Its because of the concentration of whatever substance is "polluting" the earth.  I was well respected and known in my field until I mounted the podium to give a short paper and did a switch in my program.

    I simply stated that, "the solution to all pollution was dilution."  I then went on to provide all of the impericle evidence for my contention and from that day on I was scorned...why?  Because I had gored their sacred ox...they couldn't go on investigating pollution spill after pollution spill, charging the $600billion a year that is currently spent on the environmental industry if they believed me...or even let it get out.

    My paper wasn't published in the proceedings that year and I switched my focus to solar electric energy sales and installation.  Something I could at least believe in just a little.

    Hope this helps you understand that science isn't all that and a bag of chips.

  3. You need to tune in to the History and Discovery Channels, PBS, and the National Graphic Channel, too, to catch some very good programs on TV that would answer your questions.

    Or, try the library.  Mine has all those programs on tape or disk for $1, sometimes free.

    Isn't science is amazing?!  There are mountains of proof, nowadays.

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