
Near Death/Out of Body/Life after death Quantum Physics?

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relax, relax your will enjoy this :)




  1. You're was interesting. Thanks!

  2. Every few years Physicists state -- "That is all there is to physics.  That is the end, we know everything."  And then  they learn something new.

    The eleven dimensions are fairly new, as is the string theory --

    but each step is another step in learning.  

    I do not think Physicists will ever have all the answers -- and I love Physics.

  3. Awesome video, my friend, and I agree with about 90% of it!

  4. Interesting isnt it, i really think we are moving forward in discovering alot more that surrounds us, that a while ago was considered impossible or as they said, crack pots....There is so much more out there to discover beyond our realm of existence, it just takes alot of great minds to explore and think outside of the box, so to speak...and expand our thoughts to greater things.....

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