
Near Drowning Experience and its effects....?

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On Sat. I almost drowned in the pool but luckily I was able to go to out... so weird.... the point is that i guess because i was coughing out alot b/c of the water that i swalled since mon.. yesterday my throat felt weird and i have a little ear ache when i pull the earlobe up.... it's weird b'c i have never had problems with my ears.... Can this be swimmers ear???




  1. It is unlikely that your experience on Saturday is causing the ear problems.  Your sore throat might be caused by violent coughing.  However, it might also be caused by a virus.

    It does sound as if you have swimmer's ear.  Swimmer's ear is caused by a virus or bacteria, not by a near drowning event.  

    FYI, swimmer's ear is an infection of the ear canal as opposed to an ear infection which is an infection of the middle ear.  

    It would be wise to keep your ear out of the water for about a week.  There are 'over the counter' drops you can purchase at any local pharmacy that will also help with your swimmer's ear.

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