
Nearest place to coral question carefully pls...?

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Can you tell me of a small city in Australia which has to use a single subway to reach the Great Coral Reef? And we can reach there within not more than two hours? And the name of the subsequent substations? (Departure form the city, and arrival at the Coral reef, names of both pls)

Thanx a lot




  1. No subway that goes there.I wish there would be one because I hate boat trips.In order to see the coral reef you need to go on a boat trip from either Cairns or Townsville.Also you can reach thee coral reef from Earlie beach.But if you are supper rich there is a helicopter ride that takes you to the reef from earlie beach.

  2. You need a boat to get to the Great Barrier Reef.  Book a tour from Cairns or Port Douglas.  It will usually be a day tour.  It takes about two hours to get to the reef.

  3. Are you kidding? Subway in the ocean?

  4. Cairns is the place to go to and winter time is the best time to be in Cairns.

  5. There is not a subway to reach the Great Barrier Reef. As for reaching the reef within one or two hours, well it could take more to reach it. I think that Cairns would be your best bet here is a link that gives you the charters that go to the Great Barrier Reef and how much they cost.

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