
Nearly 15 and killing to grow up?

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Is it normal?

I just dream of the perfect husband and my own little kids who i can name and dress myself and to know they are mine. I just can't get it out of my head. If know one judged and i was wealthy and i had a fantastic education already i would have a child...i just can't wait until the day that i do.I'm not that stupid to fall pregnant now though.

Also for freedom. My mum and i fight,if i were to say shoosh she yells saying she's the adult i'm the child, but she tells us to shut up? I see it as we are humas, not comparing. That's like swearing infront of a three year old and then they do it because you did so they think it's okay but you tell them off?

I want the best for the kids that i have and i can't wait to have my own family and my own free life.

Is it wrong and all that as i'm 15? Or Is it normal to just dream like that because it's what i really want one day.




  1. im 16 and enjoy being young. why would u WANT to grow up? the older u get the closer u are to dying.. lol i think ur just going thru a phase.

  2. Its normal, but one day your gonna wish that your were a kid again.

  3. Trust me i am the same but we have to wait i guess. I want kids aswell but i got my 16 month old sister and she is a pain in the butt so yeh i can defiantly wait but i love looking after her. Maybe you should do some babysitting its fun you get to be around kids and you get money

  4. girl you need to slow down!  there is no harm in day dreaming about your future husband and children, as long as you realize that for now, thats all it is.  DONT RUSH!  when i was your age i wanted to grow up too, and now that im older i wish i was 15 again.  babies are A LOT of work.  and your mother is just being your mother, and your being the child and not liking that, thats kinda how it goes.  she can tell you to shut up, shes your mother.  just like the kids you want someday, that you want to dress how you want to and have as yours, you will concieve, carry, and birth your kids and you will understand what she means when she says i am the mother and you are the child, she gave you life, be greatful, shes the only mother you have.  stay with her as long as you can!  life only gets harder when you're on your own.

  5. what the h**l your a kid if you were 16-17 i would understand. very nice

  6. It's totally normal. Just remember that the best thing you can do for your future happy family is to built a good foundation. The harder you work now at school, etc, the easier it will be for you when you do start a family.

  7. Wow, hello twin! haha

    I feel the exact same way.

    My teenage life is pretty boring and I'd rather have my own family already.

    My mom always tells me to go travel the world and do things before i get married and have kids. but honestly i want my own family more than traveling and doing stuff.

    i want to grow up too.

    can't wait :]

  8. It's normal, I guess. Nothing wrong with having goals or planning one's life early.

    And you're only 15, living in your parent's house. So yes, your mother still has authority over you and can tell you to shut up. That's life for you. Wait till you're 18 and ship out if it bothers you so much.

  9. It's pretty normal, but once your out of the house you will see things diffrently trust me it is a lot harder then it looks, but yes its normal a lot of teenagers think the same, but I do hope your dream does come true the way you want (I am not saying it will though)

  10. yes this is normal your growing up and realising you'll have a future, its all going to happen, your going to have a family of your own  ...plz dont act on the family bit tho. i do his to and plan my life ive already picked out my house with a friend mind you its only a house on sims and probably isnt quite big enough for me. well i hope this helped

    plz help:

  11. I think its normal

  12. yeh thats normal =]

    but the good thing about growing up is that it only takes on day at a time !

  13. You seriously sound JUST like me. wow! :)

  14. I think its normal. im 15 too and cant wait to grow up and have kids and what not. However i do want to have fun being a teen as long as i can too though. If you need anymore advice on anything check out this website.

  15. Thats pretty normal.  But word of advice.....don't be in a hurry to grow up, have fun being a kid cause once that is gone, you can't get it back. How I wish I could do my teenage years over again.....   As far as you and your mom day you will get along again, right now you are both struggling with growing up and her losing her baby to adulthood.   Don't be too hard on you, she loves you!

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