
Neat items not available where you live.?

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What items would you likely buy, if they happened to be for sale in your country?

I'd own this little castle for the hamsters,




  1. I would love to buy this spacekit for my two dwarf hamsters. They enjoy mazes and tunnels and if this kit was available in my country at an affordable price, I would definitely buy it :-)

  2. the second would be perfect for my hamsters if the bars were closer together.

  3. Oh, that castle is so cute, I would buy it too! It would even be cool for the lizzards.

  4. I'm home schooled

  5. I would buy an imac fantasy and a gabber rex.  I love those cages and have always wanted one.  I wish they sold them in the US.  Oh and there's these little platforms that they sell in Singapore that have little fences and trees built on them.  They're so cute.

  6. most of the cages from england are SO much better than ours especially this one from italy

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