
Nebraska Fix-It Ticket Bogus?

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Okay - here goes.....follow me on this one....

Just bought an 08 Impala LT - the windows are pretty dark on the car, didn't think much of it. Bought the car like that. So I go to pick up my daughter from the Daycare, get in the car, start down the road. I see an unmarked Police car coming from the opposite direction. I pass him, I look in my rear view, and he does a U turn. I figure, he's about to stop me for something. So, I make a left hand turn onto a 2 lane (one lane going east, one west). I didn't go on the shoulder, or anything like that. There's a car between me and him, and I'm maybe 150 - 200 meters in front of him. I make a right hand turn heading north, and he pulls in behind me and pulls me over. It's the gang unit here in Omaha, nothing better to do but pull folks over. He tells me, "I pulled you over cause you made a wide turn - can I see your licence and registration?" I explain to him, "I just purchased this car 2 days ago...." He says, "You may want to get the tint checked, it's pretty dark." Gives me my licence back and sends me on my way. Didn't even run my licence.

Okay, so what he said resonates with me....I call the Nebraska State Patrol, explain what happens. The trooper is like, "Yeah, we can put a tint meter on it for you." So, I go over to the state patrol's office, he puts the tint meter on it, and I have 23% front, 13% back. I'm illegal. So I explain to him, "I bought the car like that, can you give me some documentation so I can take it to the dealer and get it fixed?"


Now - can I fight this? The dealership claims the tinting shop has some mysterious ordinance that says I can leave it like it is.




  1. You can fight any ticket you want.  Who do you figure knows the law better, a cop or some high school drop out who tints car windows?

    P.S. pulling over suspicious vehicles is how police keep you safe and get criminals off the street.  People with dark windows usually have something to hide.

  2. As for the first stop, my guess is your vehicle matched the description of a vehicle the officer was looking for. When he made contact with you, he verified you were not the one he was looking for, and sent you on your way. He simply chose not to tell you what he was investigating. That is far from bogus.

    In reference to the fix-it ticket, you asked for documentation, and he gave it to you. I don't see how you are going to fight something you asked for. I'm not sure I'd listen to the dealership, they are not the ones that will get the ticket, you will. Buying the car with illegal equipment is not a defense, you are ultimately responsible.

  3. You reported it yourself, it is just the cop trying to maintain his quota. If you fight it in court you will win easily.

  4. You should be able to fight it if its illegal, dont let the dealership fob you off.

  5. Fight a fix-it-ticket? Are you kidding? He could have issued a real ticket that costs a lot more. The vehicle could have came from another state where the tint was legal. That doesn't mean it is legal where you are at. That being said I would fix your tint to be legal or otherwise get used to being pulled over for it. After it's fixed you can get someone to sign off on the ticket and be on your way. The dealership was probably just giving you BS to keep your heat off of them.

    The reason for the stop was cleared up enough already.

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