
Necessary to wear complete motorcycle gear?

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I'm a new rider with a Ninja 250r. I will be using the motorcycle for commuting, running errands as well as just having some joy rides on a back road/mountain road.

I understand that I will need quite a bit of protection when I know I'm going to be riding twisties or on the mountain roads. But, when I'm riding around town, running errands, getting to work and/or school.. Is it necessary to have all the gear?

Pretty much the only thing I'm curious about are pants. When going to school/works or running errands changing into and out of the pants can be somewhat of a hassle.. but then again, I'm sure I could regret that one day. Shoes/Boots are also another thing I'm wondering about.

What do you guys think?

I plan to always wear my helmet, gloves, and jacket no matter what I'm doing on the bike, but are motorcycle specific pants/shoes necessary for less agressive riding?




  1. all you need is a helmet ur not going to die because u weren't wearing leather pants

  2. You won't need all that protection, untill you crash. Then you'll need all of it!

  3. Wear as much as you can. You can buy over pants which go on pretty easily. You could buy kevlar reinforced jeans. Or there is like a kevlar longjohn type thing you can wear under your jeans. All of these could be used for the quick commute. Footwear that goes over the ankle is good as well. Have I ridden with less? Yes I have. Have I also regretted riding with less? Yes I have. Ultimately the choice is yours. Have fun.

    Edit: You might wish you were dead, with all your flesh rubbed off. BTW just cause you are riding less aggresive doesn't mean you wont get hit by grandma.

  4. Soccer mom wont see you any time, and day.

    Do you feel lucky punk? well do ya?

  5. yes because if you dont you WILL die.

  6. "when I'm riding around town, running errands, getting to work and/or school..." EXACTLY when accidents are most likely happen.  You're more familiar with your surroundings and you tend to not pay attention.

  7. The worst case of road rash I've seen lately is on a Guy who was riding around the block to test the chain adjustment on His bike. He normally wears Helmet, Jacket, Gloves, and boots. He didn't want to get all that on for such a short ride and then His Front wheel locked  up at 35 MPH! 13 Stitches in His forhead, major road rash to His Hands, arms, Belly and back. As others have said, determine Your Tolerance for risk and dress accordingly.

  8. It depends on your personal level of acceptable risk.  You accept a certain amount of risk in everything you do - riding a motorcycle, rock climbing, mountain biking, sky diving, driving a car, water skiing, snow boarding, etc..

    You may choose to attempt to reduce your risk of personal injury by wearing protective gear.

    Your state may mandate the use of a helmet/eye protection. The use of gear is a personal decision - even in states that have helmet laws.  The individual who chooses not to wear a DOT helmet assumes the risk of penalties for breaking the law.

    Everyone's tolerance for risk is different.  If you enjoy riding in shorts and flip-flops then that's your business.  I don't ridicule you for your personal decision.

  9. definetly a helmet maybe boots and gloves

  10. Here's your answer:


    When I first started - I got into a small wipe out (she cut me off).  My skin was just complete mess.  And my left ankle was swollen like I had ski boots on.  All because I was making a quick errand run.

    Good Luck...

  11. You just have to be realistic about the risks.  Bad things that are out of your control are always a possibility, but only a ninnie would don full gear to run an errand.  Personally I usually wear the clothes I want to be wearing when I get to where I'm going.

    I have a friend who was riding in shorts and had an encounter with a concrete divider, and drove away but his leg looked like someone had taken a belt sander to it all the way to the fat.  Months of pain, thousands to the doctor.

    That said, I have been riding some kind of bike since 1970 and have never owned 'riding pants' and still ride in shorts and without a helmet now and yesterday.    Riding at all is a risk, a layer of leather doesn't make you indestructible, it only saves skin.  You make your choices, you take your chances.

  12. no  wouldnt worry about it much u wont get a ticket

  13. Well I'll tell this much I had a  97 roadking and was coming home from work 12:00 pm when a deer jump out in front of me.  If I had my leathers on I wouldn't had to have knee surgery, skin graphs, scrapes, broken bones, cuts, & bruisess. That happened in the summertime when at night in Georgia it get pretty hot.  So now at night no matter how hot I got them on, now during the day I think it would pertain to what kind of driving your doing.  Like on your ninja sport bike yes, wear leathers, gloves, especially a helmet, & gloves.  Now on a harley, I don't think so, It's cruising time.

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