
Nectar points how do they work?

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How do nectar points work, have 18,884 whats that work out in sterlin




  1. You get 1 point each time you return to your hive with some nectar, 18,884, you have been a busy bee!

  2. Hmmm, wrong kind of nectar for Botany. Show off!!!!, basically you have about 10,000 pts more than me! Since 200 pts = £1 you have  ÃƒÂ‚£ 94. 42! It should tell you that somewhere on your latest statement.  

  3. Use them wisely , try not to get stung.

  4. You have 18,884 points! It's around £50.00! That's unbelievable! You could get all sorts of things for that like:

    JVC Micro Hi-fi System

    BT 1500 Answering Machine

    Sony DAB Clock Radio  

    Samsung S760 Camera

    Go on here to check out some other things you can get. Spend wisely.

  5. u need to log on to the site where u can spend them

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