
Nee to kno all about Australian football.Summarise it. Pl answer ithin 5 mins,more than that would not be viwe

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Nee to kno all about Australian football.Summarise it. Pl answer ithin 5 mins,more than that would not be viwe




  1. AFL.

    16 teams in the national comp.

    Contact Sport.

    Main objective is to get more points than the other team and to kick the ball between the 2 middle posts. You get 6 points.

    When 6 points is earned, they start again from the middle.

    If you score on the other posts it gets you 1 point.

    The ball can be passed by kicking hand passing (you can't just 'hand' it to someone. You have to hit in with your hand).

    When a ball is kicked and it is catched on the foul, it is a mark. You get a free kick.

    You can also tackle. When someone is tackled, the ball is thrown in the air and players contest for it.

    If the ball falls out of play, the ball is thrown.

    Those are the basics.

    BTW d**k, American football is boring, they aren't real men. Why do they wear so much and they get paid millions for running into some guy over and over again . . . Atlest in AFL they run around more which contributes to their skill on field.

  2. it is the best sport in the world

  3. If yer guys are so good, Where are they in the NFL? If they were as good as u all say they are, they'd all be over here in the USA, getting paid, instead of playing for a beer and a wallaby burger in some god forsaken scrubland.Your players dont wear pads cuz they're drunk and feeling no pain.

    Our guys got all the muscles, yer guys are a buncha fat guys that look like they'd be better suited to be a bouncer at a run down strip club.

    No contest, NFL = most entertaining sports league in the WORLD.

  4. thats how long it will take you to sh*t...while your there wipe ure @ss with finger and learn how to spell? now this took 5mins. Your want to know about Aussie Football we dont summarise.

  5. d**k, your name says it all.

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