I need to report 2 individuals for FRAUD against the following government agencies in Griffin, Georgia (Spalding county): Section 8, TANF (welfare, food stamps, medicaid), IRS, Unemployment, probably Home Energy Assistance Program and any other programs that financially assist low income families in Spalding county because I am sure they applied there too and defrauded them as well. Does anyone have phone #'s? Appreciate it - thanks! Someone tell these fools what the consequences will be for defrauding the government & lying to ALL these agencies & NOT informing them baby daddy (#4) lives with you (4-5 yrs) & you NEVER claimed his income. I would think you both are in serious trouble - especially because you both got greedy & lied to ALL these agencies NOT just 1. And WE taxpayers get to foot the bill as they continue s***w everyone over.