
Need Ab help...........?

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I have quite a dilemma here, I am trying to get my abs to better than what I have now (2pack), and I have heard the big part of getting abs, is burning fat instead of excercise, The thing is I barley have any fat on my stomach. Also I am on a weight training plan to build upper body muscle, I am told that I need a lot of calories in my body for muscle to grow at its full potential, Eating more, counteracts my burning fat plans any help??




  1. if you eat more, all the weight will go to your belly. To prevent it, you lift weights, and lift them really really hard. Slow and hard. So that the protein you consume will go to the muscles you build. But it is really difficult, and you should exercise like a pro. Then, you should do only one thing at a time: you bulk legs and arms - one goal. After you did, you go into for belly. Or the other way round. You can't do two things at once.

    an  excellent  exercise,  you  can do it in front of your TV: sit on a

    stool,  and  put  your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture,

    for  example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make sure

    that  it  is  not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or you

    will  damage  your  back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of your

    body  back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second and

    move it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week add

    to  the  number  of  repetitions.  You will see the results in a week,

    guaranteed! You will see or feel under the fat - if you have any - six

    pack  and  muscles.  Dumbbells  do  wonders.  Much  better  than these crunches  -  I  came  up to three hundreds and there was no results AT ALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.

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