
Need Advice About People To People trip next summer to Japan

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I was invited to go to Japan for 14 days next summer. I'll be 14 by then and I behave anyway. I've made straight A's since kindergarten and would really love to get into Oxford University. The People To People Student Ambassador trip will give me 1200 high school credits and look excellent on a college application. I know it's expensive and I'll be all the way in a foreign country, but I would really love to go. My mother and father have not decided on whether I should go or not, but my mother is taking be to the local information meeting in September. My violin teacher sent her son to Japan for 14 days when he was 13, and said he loved it. Should I go or not? I would really like an answer from a past student delegate or delegate leader, but if you can help me, please do. I will have no trouble getting the 3 letters of recommendation or passing the interview. I need to know if it's worth the hefty price tag. Thanks loads.




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