
Need Advice on Handling Daughter?

by Guest67338  |  earlier

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Long story short. I was lucky enough to be able to get into Dartmouth and graduate in 4 years. After finishing college, I had what I thought was a 1 night stand with a girl I met at a bar. Unfortunately, that 1 night turned into pregnancy and my parents forced me to marry her or lose my inheritance. Not such a bad thing. My wife isn't very smart, but she's still pretty hot.

The problem is when I bring my daughter to meet my friends from college and my friends brag on how smart their kids are. I really want to impress my friends from college. Are there any pills that help a child get smarter? I've tried tudors and paying her for good grades, but that didn't work. Any other options besides maybe sending her to private school?




  1. There is no pill to give your child to "make her smarter". If you don't care for your wife and daughter you shouldn't be with them. You don't deserve them. Your daughter probably isn't "dumb". You make it sound like it's a competition. IT'S NOT! Show them respect. Stop trying to impress your friends. If they're true friends they'll accept your wife and your daughter the way they are.  

  2. troll

  3. The biggest braggers tend to be the most insecure.

    And you, sir, are also insecure.

    If your daughter is healthy, be glad for that. Find out what she's good at or what she really enjoys and encourage her. Just because her mother isn't bright doesn't mean your daughter isn't. But I'll tell ya, some of the smartest people I know are total idiots, so just appreciate her for what she is.

  4. Yeah man that sucks.  That is a sad reality of the world today.  No matter what one spouse is going to be dumber than the other, and the kid is going to be an average of the two parents.  Therefore the world is slowly getting dumber and dumber.

    Just be happy your child is smart enough to feed itself and use the bathroom.  That way you wont feel guilty when you kick it out of the house when it turns 18

  5. there is no pill to make a person smarter the way you ask the question you act as if you are embarrassed of both your wife and your daughter. to make it easy have you had your daughter tested for learning disabilities? there may be a cause to the reason she isn't learning as fast as you want her to in my case I'm dyslexic as is my son.  it wasn't found in me until i was in high school. just because a person isn't at your learning level does not mean they aren't smart i will have you know despite of my learning disability i manage a successful business and earn a very good living for my family people are different whether they are book smart or street smart dumping your child off just because you fell she isn't smart enough is the wrong way to go about it. i am proud i have this disability, I'm proud that i was given the help to work with it and I'm proud of the support my parents gave me. are you proud of your daughter? smart or not i would be she is of you and her mother she is a miracle of life you remember not everyone out there is able to have children even unplanned ones. be happy you have whats there in front of you i know i would be smart or not

  6. If you are so smart, why don't you know how to use the spell checker?

    The word is "tutor."

    And if you were half as smart as you think you are, you would know there is no such thing as a pill to make you smarter.

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