
Need Dream Interpreted?!?

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O.K , I have a couple. please help!

1. My friend gave me a lighter and made me burn down the school. Then , I had to hide it. (I think this means she is leading me down the wrong road.?)

2. Wedding shop. A robber comes in. The shop is divided into 3 parts , each the size of a coffin/box. One has bride things ,one has cakes and the other has groom's. There is a little girl there. They try to escape and get caught by a camera 2 days after. (This dream and the next dream connect , see 4.)

3. I am cycling down the alley near my house. there are some people and they kidnapp me. They call me 'Emily' and I live in their house. they turn out to be the burglers.

4. if any of them mean something ibarrising , please tell me privatley. !




  1. These feel like control issues.  I would say that you often feel like you have no control over things that happen. but also that sometimes you take the easy way out and let people have their own way for a peaceful life. So you could  change things if you wanted to, but rarely want the hassle involved. I suspect when you were younger decisions were made about you without your knowledge or approval, you just had to go along with them. I think you feel a little lost sometimes, unsure of who you are and where you want to go.

  2. When you dream, the brain takes random thoughts and memories and links them into a story.  Maybe you have some doubts about your friend and this replays in your dreams.  Did something bad happen that's associated with marriage?  Maybe your parents fight?  As far as the burglars, you could have heard about a robbery on the news and your brain's playing it back and adding its own embellishments.  Don't be concerned.  They're only dreams and a lot of time they don't make sense.

  3. Dream one:

    If you dreamed of setting fire to a house, building, or anything of value, you must learn to control your temper or be prepared for serious consequences.

    If you use a lighter in your dream, you have found the solution to a problem that has been troubling you. If you can't get the lighter to work, it means you are still struggling to shed light on a cloudy situation.

    To see your friends in your dream, signifies aspects of your personality that have been developing and making you grow as a person. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself, so look to the friends you dreamed about for signals of personality traits they have that you desire in yourself, and work on those things. Additionally, dreaming of friends sometimes foretells that you will hear happy news from them.

    If you dream of seeing your friends saddened or troubled, in your dream, they are headed for distress in real life.

    If you dream of a friend dying, it means you have anxious feelings or insecurities about the friendship - you may worry that your friend is becoming distant from you or losing interest in the relationship.

    If you dream of a friend that you don't really have in real life, this person actually represents another side of you - the part that is usually repressed and hidden.

    Dream Two:

    Dreaming about a wedding cake suggests that you are feeling bitter or sad about a disappointment in love. You may also feel like you are not getting your fair share of attention from a certain person. In particular, a partially eaten wedding cake represents lost opportunities in romance. To dream of the "toppers" (little bride and groom figurines) on a wedding cake is a symbol of your commitment to a relationship or situation.

    To see a wedding dress in your dream, signifies new friends and pleasurable activities. If the dress is dirty or torn, it predicts that you will have a disagreement with someone you should respect. If you dream of a black wedding dress, something that you thought was a good and positive thing is in reality quite bad or negative. Think carefully before taking any risks, especially with your heart.

    To dream of a robbery - especially if you are robbed in the dream - means you are experiencing some kind of identity crisis. This dream can also mean that you must be careful not to spread gossip or tell your secrets to strangers, or your enemies will hurt your reputation.

    In dreams, the number two stands for diversity, partnership and the soul. It can also symbolize double weakness or double strength.

    Dream Three:

    To dream that you are riding a bicycle, signifies the need to balance work and pleasure in your life. However, if the bike had training wheels, this suggests that you are lacking self-confidence. You feel anxious about your ability to do something, or to get through a particular situation. This dream may also reflect a desire to change your status or position in life.

    If you dream of being kidnapped or abducted, you are being controlled by your circumstances or by someone in real life. A dream about witnessing a kidnapping means you will receive unexpected news.

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