
Need Fun Activity and game ideas for 6 year old boy! PLEASE!?

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Well my hubby and I were blessed enough to get to have his son here for half of the year! This is not normal because he typically lives in the next state with his mother and only visits on breaks or holidays. But she decided she wanted to take a class in school that lasts 6 months so we get to have him! YAY! Well he loves me but is still having issues with his parents not being together (even thought it's been two years). ANYWAY.... his dad is going to work all day tomorrow and it's our first day just the two of us since he came and I want to make it fun! But I'm at a loss... I have lots of nieces and even babysit girls... I don't know what to do with him for fun. He is super active, loves army and spies, and I can play with him those games just fine. But as you can imagine it tires me out! Plus I want other NEW things to do also! Any ideas!? Please... I really want him to have fun with me and look forward to our "Special Alone Days." Anything would be appreciated! Thanks again!




  1. Animals - Do you live near a petting zoo?  How about a dog park?  Even a pet store can be lots of fun.

    Cooking - make cookies together, plan a special dinner recipe together

    Crafts - Crayons, Play-Doh, finger paints

    Games - make up funny things to do - balance stuff on his head, spin in a circle 10 times without falling down (you sit there and count), jump up and down and name a different color each time he jumps, put colored pieces of paper on the floor and make him step from one to the next without touching the floor since it's hot lava - stuff like that.  

    Songs - silly songs like "5 Little Monkeys" and "99 Boxes of Juice on the Wall" (same lyrics as 99 cans of beer, but for kids)

    There's a few ideas for you.  Good luck!

  2. here's some ideas for wat u can do with him:

    Gd luck!

  3. Get a disposable camera so he can take pictures of your time together, go to the library and pick some books to read together, go to the zoo, the park, a water park or beach. At 6 he can play board games such as Chutes and Ladders, Yahtzee, Candyland or Operation. Teach him a card game such as Crazy  8's, Old Maid or Go Fish. Bake cookies or cupcakes that he can decorate. Let him help you weed the garden and he gets to put all the worms in a special place in the yard, or help him build an obstacle course with pillows and blankets and cushions to navigate. Play catch, build a ramp for his cars or trucks, ride bikes together, go for a long walk and bring a bag to collect interesting rocks or bugs or "stuff". Teach him how to fold towels.

    Put on music and dance together!  Just mix and match some physical activities with some quiet activities so you can catch your breath! It is more about you spending the time with him than about what you are doing.

  4. Aww, that is really sweet.  

    I have a five year old brother who loves going to the park, so maybe you could try that.  He also loves to make a tent on the floor, get a drink and watch movies together, as long as he gets to pick the movie.

    I don't know if he would like this, but my brother does.  He likes to get on youtube and watch videos of 'Fred' and people playing guitar hero.  

    Sorry, that's not much help!  Good luck!

  5. Active children at that age, especially boys, from what I have gathered, LOVE going outside. Maybe buy a cheep thing of sidewalk chalk, or, if it is warm enough, have water gun/balloon fight. One fun thing that we did at my local YMCA was called messy play, were kids of that age put on old tee-shirts, went outside, and fingerpainted. Once they were finished with actually painting on the paper, they did the sidewalk, themselves, and they all had a blast. Just make sure they don't wear nice clothes, lol. Also you could try going to the park or local pool. Make a batch of brownies with him, and let him l**k the spoon! They love helping and learning, so get them as involved as possible.

  6. maybe take him to public swimming pool or park..or a to see an afternoon movie at the theater

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