
Need Fundraising ideas? please.?

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gooD ones

i'M Part oF a theatre company ANd we want tO FUND raise

with as Little sTArt up cOsTS as poss & to make some more foR our tour :)





  1. sponsored walk, have a cake stall at a local event to raise the money,sponsored silence/ face paint? very kind of you wanting to help raise money for your theatre company. Me hubby and the kids did a sponsored walk to help raise money for the re-homing charity that we got our two dogs from, we managed to get £200. Good luck

  2. have you tried a sports day. every person or team that wants to enter can pay some money and then do that sport (football, rugby, anything as long as you know somebody that has an idea of the rules)  

  3. bag packing at a local supermarket

    car washing

    face painting for kids

  4. Hey there!

    I've been heavily involved with nonprofit fund raising for here are some ideas I have that could be relatively low in cost for your cause...

    1) Consider a mail campaign - depending on how many mailing addresses you have, you never know how many people might respond to your cause and just write you a check! This works amazingly well for several organizations that are short on time AND resources.

    2) Consider running an online auction - this is an AWESOME way to get to the people whose mailing addresses you don't have (ie you've got their EMAILS)...your email base can feel like they're using their expendable income on great stuff AND its going to their community at the same time!

    I've included a link of one of the online auction companies that I've worked with...cMarket. They also have another website,, that opens your auction up to all their members so that people who you don't even know can donate to your cause and bid on your items!

    3) Instead of having a garage sale at your home, try having a "garage" sale on eBay! Think of it as a virtual way to get rid of some stuff AND make a little more money...(make sure you include the cost of shipping those items online or else you'll end up losing money!).

    4) Have a fundraising event - give people in your community something to look forward to, and host a can sell tickets, have an auction, raffle prizes, etc that will give your community something to look forward to AND a perfect opportunity to donate to something they care about.

    5) One last tid bit - consider selling sponsorships for your event...this can help off set some of your cost INCREDIBLY. You'd be surprised how many local businesses want to be a part of your cause-minded event! You can ask for anywhere around $500 per sponsor, and if you put your auction online, you can ask for even more than that because they'll be getting just that much more exposure through your website and event emails!

    Best of luck with all of this! :)


    advertise locally,,

    GoOD LuCk!


  6. Maybe put on a play and sell buns and do face painting or do a miny concert good luck any way.

  7. quiz and chips; u write a quiz, buy lots of chips and charge ppl about 2 pounds to come in teams and you give them chips

    master mind competion; open it up to the community, select about 10 and charge ppl to come and watch

    table top sale; ppl donate to u stuff they dont want and u sell it

    for these 3 all u really need is a building to hold the events in ive done all of these except the master mind one, and they worked really well

  8. car wash, scaffold sit, do a softball tournament.

    You can usually get local fire fighters, police to sign up for softball. Not only do they save our lives and protect us, but they love softball. True fact.

  9. ask your local council about street theatre, and also, do they have any grants avalible

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