
Need GCSE advice, what shall i do?

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I am going into year 11 and these summer holidays have been okay in my eyes. I have had lots of coursework to complete and my friends are having a go at me for not going out and stop concentrating on GCSE's there worth nothing and stuff like this. I am predicted A's and A*'s and the occasional B and i don't want this to go to waste.

Please help me

Do i not bother and make my friends happy or concentrate for 9 months until GCSE's are all over?

Please help.

Thanks Kieran x




  1. Concentrate on your GCSE's seriously your friends are being a bad influence if they want to fail let them fail, you wanna be successful then do it. THink about it if you get a good career through them GCSE's you'll meet more people there or i you further your education you'll meet more there. May be a hard choice but in my opinion go for your GCSE's

  2. Concentrate on your GCSEs.

    It's your future - the better grades you get in your coursework, you won't have to worry so much in the actual written exam (a percentage of your final grade is from your coursework).  The better grades you get, you will be able to get a better job.

  3. Don't lose your friends over it.

    You have to delegate. Study for the GCSE's some of the time and hang out with your friends as well. There's no point killing yourself studying for exams...and you will actually do better in the exams if you relax sometimes so that you're not stressed out...dedicate at least two nights a week to your friends and the rest to the exams.

    There's more to life than getting straight A's and in the process ending up with no mates.

  4. I was the same predicted A*'s and A's.

    Tbh I didt let it obther me what I was expected just enjoyed myself, I didnt do anything different till may half term when I started the revision, late I know.

    I done all my courseowrk at the rate teachers told me to and stuff, but I sitll went out loads it never got on top of me too much so I could carry on.

    Anyway I started revision mid-May and done a fair bit till mid June when they ended.

    I got 7 A*s and 5 A's so that would be my advice. Although I regretted not doing more revising afterwards, it turned out I was fine.

    But yeh they dont really mean too much, A levels do, but I wanted to do well for uni, cos the good ones do look back at gcse's so Im happy

  5. I'm going into year 11 expected all As and A* and tbh they aren't THAT hard, you can still have fun.

    like you get c.w, each piece can be done in like an hour, for english maybe like 5 hours?

    but still you have plenty of time. you don't even have to really concentrate in class (I'm bad at french, didn't concentrate and got an A)

    like go out with them on saturdays and do work on sundays? you will have plenty of time to do work.

    if you go out places of a night do your work wen you get home then go out. or if you just go on msn, have msn open whilst doing work

  6. Try and get a gd balance of the two. I am a hard-working student and always did my coursework and revised n stuff. But during my biggest week of exams i came down with a reli nasty stomach virus (from my brother not from stress or overworking btw) which meant i cudnt revise during my study leave! That was when i was reli glad id put all the hard work in earlier in the coursework and mock exams and stuff, because i still came out with 2 A*s, 6 As and 3 Bs, despite being ill. So yeh work hard, but have a break every now n then to meet up with mates, because it's good to take your mind off it for a bit. Just from what ive learnt reli after having been through yr11. Gd luck!

  7. Concentrate for nine months! The worst thing is regretting how much you could have done just a little better and achieved that A* instead of the A.

    GCSE's are worth a lot if you want to go to a good university.

    However, you should still go out with your friends once in a while, to keep them slightly happy for some time.

  8. I'm going into year 11 to.i done what you done last year in year 10 and when i got my result today i found out that my friends are not important than my school

  9. hey,, ur friends will be the dudes on streets if they dont do what u should,, and url have a pent house with babes creepin in and out of ur pool do u what the finest things out of life ask your self.. i wish i could back then and start all over againoh and girls like intelligent guys ..

  10. Your friends will still be there at the end of your GCSE's, don't put all that hard work to waist! I am just about to go back and redo my GCSE's because i thought my friends were more important, and i'm 19!!


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