
Need HELP!! Military & diploma "Continental Academy"?

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I have searched every where for this question and can 't find anything . So I figured id come here and ask . My question Is does the military take a diploma from continental academy "Fast track program " . . Please If you had experience In first hand or even know some one that has please let me know . thank s




  1. I get that high school Diploma with 24 credits with it I learn a lot stuff, I did apply for some of Universities in Canada their told me I got it in so now I am happy working for my dreams, All depends what you want to take or your area of your interest on the militar, I advice you to check your self your course. One small Example let see the area from enginer, you need skills on Physics English and English, so Make sure if you do have requerements first, then get the program you need from the school, i don't know anything about militar but I do know about to get in to college or university, I hope you luck and very best wishes... just people who knows is people who are been on the past no as many are just good and bad points of view.

  2. If you have a GED or home school diploma, the military is now requiring you to earn a minimum of 15 community college credits before enlisting in the military. My friend graduated from Continental Academy in January 2010, enrolled in his local community college, earned the 15 required credits and he is now serving in the U.S. Army. Good luck!

  3. will the army accept my online high school diploma from continental academy

  4. Actually they are not accepting continental academy "diplomas". My buddy recently tried joining the army (the most lenient branch in the military) and got declined because it is considered a G.E.D to them. They couldn't compare 1 home schooled course as a pose to 4 years in a high school. You must recieve 15 college credits or 675 class room hours in order for it to be seen as a high school diploma.

  5. Yes you can be accepted by the military however, you cannot take the Fast Track Program. You have to take their SEAL program that is completed on a course by course basis. Depending on the military branch, as a high school diploma graduate from a home study program, you may be required to take 15 community college credits before entering the military. The 15 credits can be earned in approximately 4 months. My daughter is currently in the U.S. Army and she graduated from Continental Academy’s SEAL CD Program. Good luck!

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