
Need HELP with baby names!!! Opinions Please!!!

by Guest66945  |  earlier

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We have 2 children already.

An 8 yr. old boy named James Timothy Braeden. (James was my ex-husband's grandfather, Timothy is my father's middle name, and we liked Braeden.)

Our 2 yr. old daughter's name is Huesten Michelle. (My husband's name is Michael, so we turned Michael into Michelle, and we liked Huesten.)

We are now pregnant with our 3rd. (I'm about 14-15 weeks. Due date's Jan. 29.)

If it's a boy, the name will be Johnathen Adam Michael. (John is my dad's 1st name, Adam is my father-in-law, and Michael is my husband.)

Now, if it's a girl, we don't know what were gonna do! That's where you come in!!! My middle name is Renee' and my mother-in-law's is Claire. So we want to incorporate either Renee' or Claire as the middle name.

Here are some of our suggestions so far...

Araya Renee' / Araya Claire

Shannon Renee' / Shannon Claire

Melissa Renee' / Melissa Claire

Georgina Renee' / Georgina Claire (will go by Gina!)

Iris Renee' / Iris Claire

Montgomery Renee' / Montgomery Claire

Helena Renee' / Helena Claire (will go by Lena!)

Madeline Renee' / Madeline Claire

Ellodee Renee' / Ellodee Claire

Phoebe Renee' / Phoebe Claire

Charley Renee' / Charley Claire

Aimee Renee' / Aimee Claire

Please tell me what you think of the names I've submitted, the ones you like, and any others that might go well with Renee' or Claire.





  1. i like Helena Claire.

    Charley Renee

    Araya Renee.

    maybe try like:

    Haylee Renee./Haylee Claire (spell it however)

    Tessa Renee/Tessa Claire

    Samantha Claire.


    good luck!!!!!

    oh and congrats..

  2. Araya Renee

    Iris Renee

    Michaela (Pronounced Ma Kay La) Renee!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mikenna Renee

    Michaela Renee is my favorite

  3. melissa claire is the cutest! i love that name

    and their are alot of nick-names to it

  4. Aimee Renee would be beautiful, I absolutely love it. It also fits very well with you other children! The other ones I like are Georgina Claire, Helena Claire or Phoebe Renee!

    Wonderful suggestions.

  5. Melody Claire

    Harper Renee

    Mariah Renee

    Peyton Claire

  6. I like Aimee Renee but I would really like the traditional spelling Amy. But the name itself sounds very pretty together!

    Melissa Renee is also nice. :)

  7. I think that something like Alexis Renne will be cute.I love it.Or Shannon Renne is also really cute.Congrats!

  8. I LOVE the name Madeline Claire

  9. Personally I like Aimee Claire

  10. Helena Renee - because Lena sure is a cute name.

  11. Well, I love Melissa but that is because it is my name :) I really love Iris Claire though! That is a very pretty name!

  12. how about renee claire or claire renee

  13. I think

    Daphne Claire

    sounds CUTE...

  14. Ellodee is cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never heard that before, it's very unique!

  15. Araya Renee'

    Melissa Claire

    Iris Claire

    Montgomery Claire

    Helena Renee'

    Madelin Renee' (i like madelin better than madeline)

    Ellodee Claire

    Phoebe Renee'

    Charley Renee' / Charley Claire

    Aimee Claire

  16. Madeline Clareé

    sounds beautiful

    Clareé after you and your mom-in-law




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