
Need HS Football Coaching Info

by Guest31613  |  earlier

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Hi! I'm going to be coaching football this season, and would like some resources for how to coach the game. While I'm a fan of the game, I never played in high school or college (aside from back yard games). I'm not looking for anything complicated--just something to cover all of the important basics.

Thanks in advance!




  1. There are good texts on the basics at Barnes & Noble.  Pick the one you're most comfortable with.  And if you haven't played the game, don't "stretch it" if the guys ask you. Tell them right up front you didn't.  Then have a high impact and brief answer for why you should be their coach.  They'll want to know. Integrity and intensity mean a lot more than if you played the game or not.  But without playing the game, you're going to be at a distinct disadvantage, and players are going to have the right to expect that you've done more than brush up on the basics.  Take some one-on-one time with an experienced coach to brin the "book learning" to life on technique, and how to coach it. That will earn you some familiarity and street cred with your players.  All the best with your endeavors.


  3. Talk to other coaches in your area.  They are surprisingly supportive of each other.

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