
Need Help! My rat has an oral Infection from her tooth growing into her mouth.?

by  |  earlier

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I took her to the vet to get her some medication and I figured it wouldnt be that big of a deal. The front counter lady was a real ***** and the Doctor didnt even come out to look at me, She said its 175 just to get looked at then extra for the clavamox. I really need some sort of medication to give her because her mouth and tongue are very swollen. She is very lively still and i give her soft food but I am worried about her. Please help, is there any medication that is like clavamox but I dont need a prescription? Small doses of a human med, anything.




  1. u should check another vet out man =[ hope yer rats fine.

  2. You can try mixing Probiotics Super 8 and L-lysine together in water and then shooting it into the pouch side of it's cheek with a eyedropper.

    Probiotics will give her the friendly bacteria boost she may need to correct things while L-lysine will help fight the infection.

    You can get these in a health food store or possibly a grocery store. Probably use half of powder of a pill.

  3. Im sorry. But seeing how much you love this rat. I think you should pay the cash for it. I hope it all goes well. Hey go to the SPCA they are cheaper and they might be able to tell you something. Um whatever medication you need search it online and see where you can find it or go to they have alot of stuff.

    Hope to the best!

    Good Luck!

  4. You need to find a new vet, that is an outrageous amount to charge for an exam unless it was an emergency clinic/after hours.

    There is no antibiotic that you can get over the counter that will work she really needs proper antibiotics at the correct dosage.  She also needs something to help with the swelling and inflammation.  Only a vet can do this for you.  For people to suggest anything else is unethical and very dangerous for your pet.

    Until you can find a new vet tomorrow just keep doing what you're doing.  Offering her soft food is good.  You can try offering things with plenty of protein and nutrition like chicken baby food or a meal replacement like boost or ensure.  Make sure she's getting plenty of liquids as well and not dehydrating, you can try offering her pedialyte (infant rehydrating solution found at drug stores).

    You really need to find another vet to see her because she's only going to get worse without medication.  Good luck.

  5. Go to a different vet.  You need to go to the vet for the meds.  It's the safest and most logical option.

  6. Go to a diffrent vets!!!! your rat can get blood piosoning and die if you dont sort the infection!!!!!!! YOUR RAT WILL DIEEEEEE

  7. Pull the tooth out.

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