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by Guest45214  |  earlier

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My Uncle's Wife's Birthday is tomorrow and I want to write her a birthday card, but I dont know what they call an uncle's wife, can anyone out there help me??

Also, I call her Mona, but her real name is Anna, since I was little I just called her Mona and that's how it stayed...I just need to know what to write, and how to write it. As in, What do u call an uncle's wife??? Or Should I write Mona?




  1. You wrote that since you were little you called her Mona. So you can write that if she likes it.Uncle's wife is called "aunt"

  2. It's up to you.  Any of the following:

    1. Mona

    2. Auntee

    3. Anna

    4. Friend

    5. Aunt

  3. I call my uncles's wives aunts. They are part of the family, aren't they??

  4. u should write aunt uncles wife is your aunt...or if she has no problem with you calling her Mona, than write Mona, or if she has any email-address, you can go to:


    its a great site to send any e-cards of your choice...

    but if you want to write it, you can write something like this:

    Dear ( write her name),

    Happy Birthday!!! is all about you!hope you have a great birthday...hope all your wishes are granted.....(add more things) anyways lots of love and a happy happy birthday!!

                                                                     With lots of Love,

                                                                             (Your name)

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