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Can fault (defined as alcohol abuse, domestic violence, physical abusive, reckless spending, etc) have any impact on how much child support a non-custodial parent should pay per month? For example, if the custodial parent is/was an alcoholic and has serious anger issues and a history of abusiveness or irresponsibility, can that be used against them in court by the non-custodial parent if he or she is being asked to pay more than what they can afford (especially if they have a witness to testify)? Please answer, this is important and I can't find anything on it!!




  1. In Colorado, I don't think those things can affect the amount noncustodial parent has to pay. It could affect parenting time, which would affect the amount of money ordered for child support.  

  2. No, they don't judge how much you are going to pay based on someone's behavior. They charge according to income.  How much $$$ you make.

  3. What I want to know is how this awful person got custody?

    The "non-custodial" party must be worse or full of it.  

  4. Alcohol and reckless spending can be used as well as gambling and drug use.I was a witness to such as case where the itmes I mentioned were used.

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