
Need Help With Burn Deck!!!!?

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Monsters- 16

Lava Golem x2

Solar Flare Dragon x3

Des Koala x2

Swarm of Locusts x2

Stealth Bird x3

Swarm of Scarabs x2


Spirit Reaper

Spells- 11

Messenger of Peace x3

Troll x3

Wave Motion Cannon x3

Level Limit- Area B

Swords of Revealing Light

Traps- 13


Dimension Wall x3

Gravity Bind

Just Desserts x3

Mirror Force

Ojama Trio

Secret Barrel x3

~~~I was thinking about switching out my trolls out for something else. But if you have any more suggestions please tell me!!!And a side deck!!!!!!!~~~




  1. It looks like the perfect burn deck to me.  That's about everything I'd put in it.  The only thing that did stand out were the 3 tolls.  I'd take out 2 or all 3 of them and add 1 Chain Burn and 1 or 2 Poison of the Old Man.

    Side deck should consist of anything that would hurt your burn strategy.  With the obvious being said, you need to stop cards like Jinzo, Decree, Heavy Storm, MST, Prime Material Dragon, Des Wombat, Dust Tornado and so on.  So you would need 3 Solemn Judgment, 3 Dark Bribe, MST, Dust Tornado, and a few monster destruction cards like Smashing Ground and Fissure.  The Lava Golem and Ojama Trio should handle some of your monster situations if you get them early enough.  Your Swarm of Locusts and Scarabs will definitely help alot too.

  2. In my experience with burn decks, Ive found that taking a more offensive approach works a bit better then stalling. I'm gonna throw together a little decklist for you.

    lava golem x2


    stealth bird x3

    spear dragon x3

    thestalos x3

    morphing jar

    spell striker x2

    submarineroid x2

    fire trooper x3

    Inferno reckless summon x2

    Tremendous Fire x3

    Meteor of destruction x3

    dark room of nightmare x2

    burning land x3

    mask of the accursed x3

    nightmare wheel x3

    Magic Cylinder

    Side Deck:

    Gravity Bind

    Messanger of peace x3

    sakaretsu armor x3

    lightning vortex x3

    solemn judgement x3

    treeborn frog

    mirror force

    Good luck, happy dueling! :]

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