
Need Help With Story?

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I'm writing a story and I need help describing a house. It's been there since the 1800's, but it's still beautiful. And old. Can anyone describe it with great detail, please?




  1. I stepped round the corner of the old dirt path and stopped, amazed at what stood before me. A unkempt lawn, dotted with leaves, led elegantly up to a mansion of a home. At least half the forest it nestled in must have been eliminated to create the work of art before me. Ivy crept up its walls slowly, strategically, twisting around the wind beaten shutters peeling with green paint. A wrap around porch gave the whole house a hug, as if trying to hold the all of the panels together. I tried to count the balconies, but the number staggered and I was caught off gaurd as one stained glass window cught my eyes. The suns dancing rays jumped off it gracefully, and they floated to the ground before my feet. It was hard to believe that once upon a time someone lived in this ancient house; even with the porch swing and pots on the balconies it looked to fragile for a family, like one of those china dolls people never play with. Its just to gorgeous to use. But this house was once a home.

    Sorry, its been a while since Ive written. I didnt know how your charachter was to interact with the house so yeah.

  2. Search for the style of house on the internet, unless you have a real house in mind, if so take some pictures of it.  I like to draw the houses I'm describing.  Not that I'm a terribly good artist but it puts me in the frame of mind of capturing details.  You think from the outside in, or inside out it doesn't matter but as you are sketching stuff down in a type of schematic it helps you to not only describe the house but keep the rooms and things consistent.  I even color in the rooms so I know what I was thinking as well as keeping that consistency going.  I have a book entitled 'If You Were Mine' where the two main characters meet up in an old well kept bed and breakfast in Conneticut.  Never been to Conneticut except once when I was a kid, so I printed up a map but then bought one at the gas station, got a travel tour book from the library and found me a town and a house that would exist in that town and put it where converted farms advertised bed and breakfasts and acutally used the way they advertise to help me.

  3. If you are writing a story, YOU should describe the house.  In order to do this to your own and your readers' satisfaction, I would recommend that you go to Google's Image Search, and enter something like "Victorian Mansion" or "House built in 1850" or something of the sort.  Then, write a description of whatever house most closely approximates what you have envisioned.  You can even combine features of the three or four houses that you get that best represent what you are trying to convey in your writing.

    If the story is YOURS, it should be wholly YOURS, unless you want to find a collaborator.  Anyway, trying to describe something that you don't have the language readily at hand for is a good writing exercise.  If you let someone else write the description for you, you won't learn nearly as much about the craft of writing as you will if you do the work to write it yourself.

  4. Ya, i agree that you need to pop up a photo...cause then, people know what to describe, how to describe it. That is definately a good ya goodluck with your story! ~turtle fuzz

    p.s. can you look at my question..the question is called "The Orange rose of Andunin? do you like this piece of my work?

      so ya, it's like one page of the story, it's really not long at all, i swear it! please read, no one has remarked on it yet!

  5.      I think your best idea is to throw up some photos of houses on the Internet.  Write something in Search like '19th. century houses,' or 19th. century architecture.'  That should help you

    Good luck

    Mike B

  6.   ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœIt's an example of the Greek Revival style of architecture. It's also an example of what's called the I-house, which is a folk building type popular in this part of the country in the 19th century. This one is very well preserved.”

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