
Need Help With a Career? 10 POINTS TO THE BEST ANSWER

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Well I'm about to start college (I live in Massachusetts) and I'm really confused about what I want to do with my life so I am taking up liberal arts. I am interested in becoming a guidance councelor, a teacher, maybe to major in business. I want to be SUCCESSFUL. I would really appreciate it if anyone could tell me about a great career choice that they are studying or a career that they have or had in the past..Details people, ♥ I really appreciate it and i will be sure to give 10 POINTS TO THE GREATEST ANSWER...... ♥




  1. I say follow what you good at.

    education seems like the place for you by the way you describe yourself.

    Anything in communications and human services can help you on the way to a successful career path because they are necessary in the business world but don't overload your self with 3 different career majors stick to one that suits you well ask teachers also they are a big help with these things

  2. Having gone to college for 14 years (and yes, I graduated a few times), I can tell you that it's easier to focus on careers that allow you to have more control over your career.  Typically, these are careers that are in high demand.  If you define success as a lot of money, you should be an entrepreneur and start your own company (or buy one).  If you want control of your career, become something everyone has to have, like a dentist.  If you want mental challenge, be a scientist or engineer.  If you want to be loved by kids, be a teacher.

    A degree in a particular subject want guarantee success.  A college degree is just a tool you use to get a job (for the most part).  Most people don't even use what they learned in college in their jobs.  Find what makes you happy (i.e. real success), find out what the requirements are and then go get them.

  3. I'm in 8th grade and i'm studying law. I can't wait to become a lawyer. I took a summer course at sac state and can't wait until next summer to take debate. :p i have wanted to become a lawyer since i was in 5th grade. After i have a steady income i want to be a childrens writer. good luck with your career choice!

  4. The first thing you need to do is work out what sort of lifestyle you want.

    If your dreams are modest then money isn't that important, however if you want to travel the globe money becomes more of an issue.

    You are very lucky in that the internet has opened up all sorts of opportunities that simply weren't there before.

    Go take a look at the Thirty Day Challenge. It's a free course on how to establish a business online. Run by real internet millionaires it shows how you can start earning money from your own sustainable business within 30 days.

    What they teach allowed me to work from home round my kids schedule instead of being tied to a job. It gave me the freedom to do what I am passionate about.

    Look up people like Dr Mani whi uses the internet to support an orphanage.

    Russell Brunson who started his company while he at Boise State University and within a year of graduation had sold over a million dollars of his products and services from his basement.

    These people realised that the internet is a whole new ballgame.

    You can use that to take care of the financial side while you do whatever you really want to do. Want to teach, want to work with kids, when you are financially secure the choice is yours!

    Go to any internet marketing seminar and the room is full of twenty something year old tanned millionaires. Even 14 year olds are getting in on the act, and earning more than their dads.

    Go check out the Thirty Day Challenge. It may open your eyes to new possibilities. It's 30 intense days, but great fun and the chance to rub shoulder with a lot of people who have made it big online. It won't cost you a dime, and could change your life.

  5. What is your definition of successful?  Is it a high salary, a fulfilling job, or  a job that gives you status in the community?

    A guidance counselor or teacher will not make much money, but may be fulfilling and give you some status in your area.

    A degree in general business will get your foot in the door in a clerk type of position, and will not pay much or give you community status; it may be fulfilling depending on what you get to do.

    As soon as you get to college, go to the guidance center and ask for a test that will identify your special talents and interests.  Use the information gleaned from this test to determine your major.

    But, be aware that a degree in english, history, or liberal arts will not give you much in job skills except to teach.

    If by successful you mean salary, then go to the guidance center of your college and ask what are the highest paying jobs right out of college.  Look them over and decide what you think you might like to do.

    The important thing is to start on your career path early; don't waste a year or two before you get on the right path -- you will have taken too many unnecessary courses that will eat up your college hours before you get the essential courses to provide you with the knowledge you need to do the job.

    Good Luck!

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