
Need Help!! is this a mistake done my by dentist???

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On my recent trip to my dentist, no cavities were found. However he found a crack tooth on my lower left & showed me the crack with one of his magnifying camara. I had a large mercury filling on that tooth from while back.

I could see a somewhat minor crack on the outside of that tooth. He said that I should have it crowned to prevent it from breaking.

Now keep in mind that I NEVER had a problem with the tooth and felt no pain. I’ve decided to follow his advice & got it crowned.

Ever since, I have had pain in that tooth when trying to bite down when eating. It’s been almost two weeks and I still can’t eat on that side of the mouth. I went back and he took an x-ray of the tooth and saw that the nerve is a little close to the tooth or something.

He said give it another 2 weeks to see if the pain persists and then come back. Could have he drilled too close to the nerve in trying to get it crowned? The pain is almost extreme, making me so irritable. What are your thoughts? thanks




  1. Most of the time you will need a root canal if a dentist finds a crack in your tooth. It is to prevent your tooth from getting infected from the exposed nerve. They are supposed to clean out the nerve to save your tooth.

    You should ask your dentist why there is still pain after the procedure because there usually shouldn't be any pain because there might be something wrong with your tooth.

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