
Need Help on fellow Astrology pals!?

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Hi all!!

need help from people who understand birthcharts

How do me and my her compatible?

me : 19 December 1985

her: 17 November 1987

thanks! no timing needed, as she dosen't know hers..!

Thanks everyone or anyone! :)




  1. Hmm...

    A Scorpio and a Sagittarius, both close to the cusp.

    It's definitely not the worst match I've ever heard of, but you guys might have a few glitches. Sagittarians sometimes have the tendency to talk too much, which might irritate a Scorpio.

    However, if she ever snaps at you (which Scorpios do at times), your sign gives you a tough skin and you could probably deal with it pretty easily. Sagittarians have this way of yelling and fighting, then getting over it pretty quickly and moving on -- that's good when you're with a Scorpio. Be careful not to break her heart, though, because Scorpios hold grudges most of the time.

    One thing I'm concerned about with this match is the influence of your cusps. Your Scorpio lady will probably have some Sagittarian tendencies, just like you probably have some Capricorn tendencies. When she feels creative or is particularly imaginative, don't be a Capricorn and smother her with logic. Scorpios are kind of known as, "the scary sign," but they are not just abrasive and dark; they are very emotional and easily hurt, and Capricorns can't help themselves when it comes to dealing out the hurt.

    Make sure you allow her her privacy when she needs it -- she will most likely not tell you when she needs her privacy, so watch for signals. Sagittarians love to talk things over, but Scorpios aren't so much like that; they usually like to heal themselves and have other people be their cushion. She should be a great girl -- just don't smother her. Sometimes, Sagittarians can be over-bearing when they worry and that won't help Scorpio. Give her lots of freedom, unyielding loyalty (and I mean that -- if she thinks she's right, try to agree with her if it's concerning other people), stick up for her, and if she gets bossy and demanding, stand your ground. If she yells, act wounded and pathetic (they hate hurting people they love most of the time, even if they don't show it).

    One last thing. If your incomes ever combine (or if they are now), you should probably watch the money she spends like a hawk.

  2. Right off, not knowing much else, I have to say, look out!

    The attraction between you two is probably strong.   But she's a water sign, and you're a fire sign.  Fire and water don't easily mix!

    She being Scorpio is strong-willed and naturally feels she has the right to lead.  You being Sagiatarious fit that description too.  You being Sag. are a natural born manipulator; she is a natural "resister" to manipulation.  She will go out of her way to demonstrate to you constantly that you can't manipulate her, and this will frustrate and anger you. All this amounts to constant friction, and long term incompability.

    Keep in mind that this analysis is based on sun signs alone.  There are other powerful factors determining personality: like your rising signs and Moon signs.  So it can't been 100% accurate.  With all three signs known for each person, accuracy increases markedly.

    By the way, you asked for "help from people who understand birthcharts," but you didn't provide birthcharts, just dates of birth.  Birthcharts are based on exact time of birth, exact longitude and latitude where the person was born, as well as the date.

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